

A Cognizer knows or comes to know some piece of Information about a Topic. In this frame, many LUs encode a specific Means_of_Gathering and/or Source, but these may also be expressed separately.

Also, the big problem is that our INTEL about WMD's has many times been wrong.

Anyone got the STRAIGHT DOPE on this?

Get the inside SCOOP on sprint football player Austin Wilson. CNI

I know him pretty well and I have a lot of DIRT on him so I can always hold him over a barrel.

What's the INFO about the new scanner chip? INI


Cognizer [cog]
Semantic Type
The Cognizer is aware of the Information.
       Our INFORMATION shows that soon after the turn of the 1900's, John Dazey was making can openers in the Dallas Texas area at the time.

Information [inf]
The Information that the Cognizer possesses or comes to posess.
       Not long before Bill Marlin died, he shared with me his INFORMATION that Mrs Wright was with her husband on the day Wright was born.

Topic [top]
The Topic is what the Information is about in general.
       What happens to my INFORMATION if I quit my membership?

Means_of_Gathering [Mea]
An action or method used by the Cognizer that results in the acquisition of the Information.
       Who can see and use survey INFORMATION?

Source [sou]
The Cognizer obtains the Information from the Source.
       How credible is the INFORMATION from the Internet?

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By: Awareness, Communication
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by rleegold on Mon Jul 25 16:13:49 CEST 2005