In this frame an Ingestor takes a Substance into his or her body. The Delivery_device can appear as a direct object. | |
You should refrain from TAKING vodka up the nose. | |
SMOKING a cigarette only takes a couple of minutes . CNI | |
Delivery_device [D_device] | The Delivery_device is the means by which the substance is ingested. | |
Tabitha SMOKED a pipe. | ||
Simon SMOKED pot with a bong. | ||
Ingestor [Ing] Semantic Type Sentient | The Ingestor ingests the Substance | |
Substance [Sub] | The Substance is the drug or other substance that is ingested by the Ingestor. | |
Non-Core: | ||
Duration [Dur] Semantic Type Duration | The Duration is the length of time for which the Ingestor ingests. | |
Entry_path [E_path] | The Entry_path is the path along which the Substance enters the Ingestor's body. | |
Rick SNORTED cocaine up his nose. | ||
Frequency [Freq] | The Frequency with which the Ingestor ingests. | |
Manner [Mnr] Semantic Type Manner | The Manner in which the Ingestor ingests the Substance. | |
Means [Means] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The Means by which the Ingestor ingests the Substance. | |
Place [Place] Semantic Type Locative_relation | The Place where the Ingestor ingests the Substance. | |
Purpose [Purp] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The Purpose for which the Ingestor ingests the Substance. | |
Time [Time] Semantic Type Time | The Time at which the Ingestor ingests the Substance. |
Inherits From: Intentionally_act
Is Inherited By: Ingestion
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
Created by acwright on Tue Jul 30 13:19:24 CEST 2002