An Ingestor consumes food, drink, or smoke (Ingestibles). This may include the use of an Instrument. Sentences that describe the provision of food to others are not included in this frame. | |
El paciente INGIRIÓ todas las pastillas que le dio la enfermera. | |
Ingestibles [Inge] | The Ingestibles are the entities that are being consumed by the Ingestor. | |
El extraterrestre INGIRIÓ una sustancia verdosa. | ||
Ingestor [Ing] Semantic Type Sentient | The Ingestor is the person eating, drinking, or smoking. | |
¿Vosotras dos OS BEBISTEIS tres botellas de vino durante la comida? | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Degree [Deg] Semantic Type Degree | The extent to which the Ingestibles are consumed by the Ingestor. | |
HE COMIDO demasiado. | ||
Depictive [] | This FE is used for a Depictive phrase describing the Ingestor. | |
Eva DEVORÓ desesperada todo lo que le sirvieron. | ||
Duration [Dur] | The amount of time for which a state holds or a process is on going. | |
Su INGESTIÓN calórica durante estas fiestas ha sido abusiva. | ||
Frequency [Fre] | How often the ingestion event takes place. | |
Cada día, tenía que INGERIR una gran cantidad de pastillas. | ||
Instrument [Ins] Semantic Type Physical_entity | This FE refers to the instrument with which the ingestion event is performed. | |
TÓMATE la sopa con una cuchara | ||
Manner [Man] Semantic Type Manner | Manner of performing an action. | |
Todos BEBIERON en silencio la sustancia gelatinosa que contenía el cáliz. | ||
¡No BEBAS a morro! | ||
Means [Mns] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | An act performed by the Ingestor that enables them to accomplishes the whole act of ingestion. | |
SE BEBÍA el caldo sorbiéndola. | ||
Particular_iteration [Par] | The FE Particular iteration modify a non-iterative use of the target, and indicate that it is conceived as embedded within an iterated series of similar events or states. In addition, most expressions of Particular_iteration indicate which instance of the series is being referred to. | |
BÉBETElo otra vez, Sam. | ||
Place [Pla] Semantic Type Locative_relation | Where the event takes place. | |
¿Iremos a COMER al restaurante? | ||
Purpose [] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The Purpose of the ingestion event. | |
El niño ENGULLÓ todo lo que le había en el plato para que sus padres no se disgustaran. | ||
Reason [] | This FE identifies the reason of the ingestion event. | |
Tiene que COMER más verdura y más fruta, porque se lo ha recomendado el médico. | ||
Source [Src] Semantic Type Source | Place from which the Ingestor takes the Ingestibles. | |
El niño BEBÍA de la botella . | ||
Speed [Spe] | This frame element labels words or phrases that describe how quickly the Ingestor is moving. | |
El gato DEVORABA su presa lentamente. | ||
Time [Time] Semantic Type Time | When the event occurs. | |
ESTUVIMOS COMIENDO hasta la madrugada. | ||
Inherits From: Ingest_substance, Manipulation
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Cause_motion
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
beber.v, beberse.v, comer.v, comerse.v, devorar.v, engullir.v, ingerir.v, ingesta.n, ingestión.n, tomar.v, tomarse.v, tragar.v, tragarse.v
Created by cota on Tue Jan 29 12:29:56 CET 2002