

This is an abstract frame for acts performed by sentient beings. It exists mostly for FE inheritance.


Act [Act]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Act that the Agent performs intentionally.

Agent [Agt]
Semantic Type
The Agent performs the intentional act.

Domain [dom]
The Domain within which the Agent acts.
       No doubt he has begun to engage in political ACTIVITY of late

Event_dscription []
This FE gives a description of the Intentionally_act event.

Explanation []
The Explanation denotes a proposition from which the main clause (headed by the target) logically follows. This often means that the Explanation causes the state of affairs expressed by the target, but not in all cases.

Frequency [fre]
The Frequency with which the Agent does the Act in a given period of time.

Manner [Mnr]
Semantic Type
Any description of the intentional act which is not covered by more specific FEs, including secondary effects (quietly, loudly), and general descriptions comparing events (the same way). In addition, it may indicate salient characteristics of an Agent that also affect the action (presumptuously, coldly, deliberately, eagerly, carefully).
       'Twould be best it were DONE quietly.

Means [Means]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Means by which an Agent acts intentionally.

Particular_iteration [par]
Expressions marked with this extra-thematic FE modify a non-iterative use of the target, and indicate that it is conceived as embedded within an iterated series of similar events or states.

Period_of_iterations []
The length of time from when the event denoted by the target began to be repeated to when it stopped.

Place [Place]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the place where the intentional act occurs.

Purpose [Purp]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the purpose for which an Agent performs an intentional act. John FLATTERED her to receive a raise.

Result []
The Result of an act.

Time [Time]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the time when the Agent acts intentionally.

Inherits From: Event
Is Inherited By: Change_posture, Daring, Exchange, Giving, Ingest_substance, Intentionally_affect, Intentionally_create, Perception_active, Self_motion
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By: Subjective_influence
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by infinity on Tue Aug 14 13:23:29 CEST 2001