A Cognizer makes a judgment about an Evaluee. The judgment may be positive (e.g. respect) or negative (e.g. condemn), and this information is recorded in the semantic types Positive and Negative on the Lexical Units of this frame. There may be a specific Reason for the Cognizer's judgment, or there may be a capacity or Role in which the Evaluee is judged. | |
This frame is distinct from the Judgment_communication frame in that this frame does not involve the Cognizer communicating his or her judgment to an Addressee. | |
JUDGMENT: She ADMIRED Einstein for his character. | |
JUDGMENT_COMMUNICATION: She ACCUSED Einstein of collusion. | |
Currently, however, some lexical units and annotation for both remain in this frame. |
Cognizer [Cog] Semantic Type Sentient | The Cognizer makes the judgment. This role is typically expressed as the External Argument (or in a by-PP in passives). | |
The boss APPRECIATES you for your diligence. | ||
The boss is very APPRECIATIVE of my work. | ||
Evaluee [Eval] | Evaluee is the person or thing about whom/which a judgment is made. With verbs this FE is typically expressed as Object: | |
The boss APPRECIATES you for your diligence. | ||
Expressor [Exr] | Expressor is the body part or action by a body part that conveys the judgment made by the Cognizer. | |
She viewed him with an APPRECIATIVE gaze. | ||
Reason [Reas] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | Typically, there is a constituent expressing the REASON for the Judge's judgment. It is usually a for-PP, e.g. | |
I ADMIRE you for your intellect. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Degree [Degr] Semantic Type Degree | This FE identifies the Degree to which the judging occurs. | |
Depictive [Depict] | Depictive identifies any expression describing the state of a participant in the event. | |
We ADMIRE him , certain that he is a great leader. | ||
Extent_of_acclaim [] | The Extent_of_acclaim is a description of the number or locales of the Cognizers. | |
The proposal gainedwidespread APPROBATION. | ||
Manner [Manr] Semantic Type Manner | This FE identifies the Manner of judging. | |
Means [Mns] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | This FE identifies the Means by which the Cognizer judges the Evaluee. | |
Result [] | The Result of the judgement event. | |
Role [Role] | Role is used for the capacity in which theEvaluee is judged, and is expressed in as-PPs. | |
I ADMIRE you as a composer. | ||
Topic [Top] | Topic identifies the entity to which the proposition or propositions conveyed relate. | |
Jon was DISAPPROVING about Madie's managerial style. | ||
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Emotions
Is Used By: Judgment_communication, Regard
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:11:56 CET 2001