A Communicator communicates a judgment of an Evaluee to an Addressee. The judgment may be positive (e.g. alabar (praise)) or negative (e.g. criticar (criticize)), and this is indicated by the semantic types Positive and Negative attached to the lexical units. This frame does not contain words where Evaluee and the Addressee are necessarily the same. | |
Sara DENUNCIÓ la actuación de la empresa. | |
Max ELOGIÓ a Eva ante los directivos de la empresa. | |
This is distinct from the Judgment frame in that it involves the communication of an evaluation, rather than merely forming and holding a particular evaluation. |
Communicator [Com] Semantic Type Sentient | The Communicator uses language in the written or spoken modality to convey his or her evaluation of the Evaluee to another person. | |
Los demócratas CONDENARON en el parlamento la política agresiva de los nacionalistas. | ||
Evaluee [Eval] | Evaluee is the person or thing about whom/which a judgment is made. With verbs this FE is typically expressed as an object: | |
Max ELOGIÓ a Eva por su dedicación al trabajo. | ||
Max CRITICÓ la propuesta de los delegados. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Addressee [Add] Semantic Type Sentient | The person that receives a message from the Communicator. | |
Max ELOGIÓ a Eva ante los directivos de la empresa. | ||
Containing_event [Cont] | This FE denotes an event that occurs or state of affairs that holds at a time that includes the time during which the event reported by the target occurs and of which it is taken to be a part. | |
Una dirigente de una institución educativa, temida y soportada por sus subordinados debido a sus arrebatos iracundos contra quienes la contrariaban, en un desplante de furiosa elocuencia llegó a DESPOTRICAR de la dirección frente a varias subalternas. | ||
Content [Con] | This FE expresses the Content of the judgement. Content is usually expressed as a que (that) clause , an infinitive verb phrase or a quotation. | |
Le RECRIMINÓ que hubiera aceptado un trato tan desventajoso. | ||
Los ciudadanos DEPLORABAN haber sido traicionados por sus representantes políticos. | ||
«Zapatero es un impresentable», DESPOTRICABA indignado el líder del grupo de invetigadores afectados. | ||
Degree [Degr] Semantic Type Degree | This FE identifies the Degree to which the Communicator judges the Evaluee to be good or bad. | |
Fue muy CRITICADO por su pésima actuación durante el partido. | ||
Depictive [Dep] | Depictive identifies any expression describing the state of a participant in the event. | |
Intermediary [] | Person through which a Communicator communicates to an Addressee. | |
El presidente, por medio de su embajador, ACUSÓ a los invasores de no respetar la integridad territorial de su país. | ||
Internal_cause [IC] | The emotional or physical state of the Communicator that leads to their communication of a judgment. | |
Criticó duramente a sus compatriotas desde el resentimiento que le provocaban los largos años de exilio. | ||
Language [Lang] | This FE identifies the Language in which the judgment_communication event occurs. | |
El músico brasileño ACUSÓ a la prensa de chismosa en portuñol (mezcla de portugués y español). | ||
Manner [Manr] Semantic Type Manner | This FE identifies the Manner in which the judgmental communication occurs. | |
Means [Mns] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | This FE identifies the Means by which a judgmental communication is accomplished. | |
CENSURÓ la actuación del gobierno, criticando la campaña oficial de desinformación. | ||
El rey ALABÓ a las fuerzas armadas con bellas palabras que conmovieron al público. | ||
Medium [Medium] | Medium identifies the physical or abstract setting in which the evaluation is conveyed. | |
El jefe de la oposición CRITICÓ la actuación del gobierno en la televisión. | ||
El rey ALABÓ la actuación de las fuerzas armadas en su discurso de fin de año. | ||
Place [] Semantic Type Locative_relation | Where the communication of the judgment takes place. | |
Se la CRITICÓ duramente en el parlamento. | ||
Purpose [] | Purpose expresses the action that the Communicator intents to accomplish by communicating a judgement. | |
La ACUSARON para arruinar su carrera política. | ||
Reason [Reas] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | Typically, there is a constituent expressing the Reason for the Communicator's judgment. It is usually a por (for) PP. | |
El presidente ELOGIÓ a las fuerzas armadas por su heroica actuación durante el conflicto. | ||
It can also sometimes be expressed as a como (as) phrase, when that phrase picks out the reason for the praise or critique. | ||
El presidente Bill Clinton ELOGIÓ el acuerdo como un paso crucial para terminar con la amenaza nuclear. | ||
Octavio Paz FUE ELOGIADO como máximo exponente de la literatura hispanoamericana y mundial. | ||
For some English words, Reason is an obligatory FE. In other words, the FE may be ommitted only when the Reason for the judgment is understood from context, as when it is clear why an Evaluee is being blamed. | ||
I BLAME you. | ||
Role [Role] | Role is used for the capacity in which the Evaluee is judged, and is expressed in como [as] PPs. | |
La oposición CRITICÓ su actuación como mediador. | ||
Time [] Semantic Type Time | When the communication of the judgment takes place. | |
Durante el juicio, la ACUSARON de haber cometido el crimen. | ||
Topic [Top] | The Topic FE identifies a salient entity related to the Evaluee. | |
Los críticos siempre ELOGIAN en él su brillante técnica pianística. | ||
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By: Bragging
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Judgment, Statement
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also: Judgment
abuchear.v, acusar.v, agradecer.v, alabar.v, amonestar.v, censurar.v, criticar.v, despotricar.v, elogiar.v, ensalzar.v, menospreciar.v, recriminar.v, regañar.v, reprender.v, reprobar.v, ridiculizar.v
Created by infinity on Wed Aug 29 17:18:08 CEST 2001