

A Figure is located relative to a Ground location. The location of the Figure may be further specified by its Distance from a reference location (generally, the deictic center) and the Direction in which the Figure lies from a reference location (generally, the deictic center).

Eva estaba [echada[CTRL SOBRE el sofá.

Estaba [apoyada]CTRL CONTRA la valla. ECNI

The cat is ON the mat.

The kitchen, with its breakfast / snack bar, ADJOINS on one side while the dining area adjoins on the other side. DNI
Semantic Type



Figure [Fig]
The Figure is perceived as located relative to a certain Ground location.
       The cat is ON the mat.

Figures []
The Figures are items which mutually serve to identify the location of the other items.

Ground [Grnd]
The Ground serves as a basis for describing the location of the Figure.
       The cat is ON the mat.
Direction [Dir]
This FE identifies the Direction from a reference location (generally, the deictic center) of a path to the Figure.
       The cat is down ON the mat.
       The book is way back IN the Paleontology area.

Distance [Dist]
This FE identifies the Distance between the Figure and some reference location (generally, the deictic center or the Ground).
       The cat is right UNDERNEATH the table.
       The cat is way back AGAINST the wall.
       Deep UNDER the earth lurk dark things.

Time [tim]
Semantic Type
The period of time during which the locative relation between Figure and Ground obtains.
       He was IN Athens on Friday.

Inherits From: Relation, State, Trajector-Landmark
Is Inherited By: Abounding_with, Adorning, Containing
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Existence
Is Used By: Path_shape
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

contra.prep, sobre.prep

Created by infinity on Tue Aug 14 18:42:32 CEST 2001