Using Evidence, which may or may not be expressed, a Cognizer recognizes or proves that Concept_1 is associated causally or collocationally with another concept, Concept_2. These may be expressed collectively as associated Concepts. | |
El público suele RELACIONAR a los actores de las series con los personajes que interpretan. | |
Cognizer [Cog] Semantic Type Sentient | The sentient entity that recognizes the causal connection. | |
El público suele RELACIONAR a los actores de las series con los personajes que interpretan. | ||
Concept_1 [Con1] | Concept_1 is the phenomenon which is believed to be related to Concept_2. | |
Los telespectadores suelen RELACIONAR a los actores con los personajes a los que interpretan. | ||
Concept_2 [Con2] | The phenomenon which is believed to be linked to Concept_1. | |
Los investigadores RELACIONARON el hallazgo con la desaparición hace años de una trabajadora del centro y procedieron a comparar los datos. | ||
Concepts [] | The phenomena which are believed to be related. | |
Durante su exposición, el conferenciante RELACIONÓ la dictadura franquista y la iglesia católica española. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Concessive [Con] | This FE signifies that the state of affairs expressed by the main clause (containing the target) occurs or holds, and something other than that state of affairs would be expected given the state of affairs in the concessive clause. In other words, given only the facts of the Concessive, one would expect them to cause the world to be the opposite of what is portrayed in the main clause. | |
La policía política franquista le VINCULÒ al crimen, a pesar de que no existía ninguna prueba contra él. | ||
Containing_event [Cont] | The Containing_event FE denotes an event that occurs or state of affairs that holds at a time that includes the time during which the event or state of affairs reported by the target occurs and of which it is taken to be a part. Containing_events are frequently understood to have a facilitating or enabling relation to the event expressed by the target. A causal interpretation is, however, not strictly necessary. When it is present, it is recorded with second layer annotation. | |
El primer ministro israelí Benjamín Netanyahu VINCULÓ todo progreso hacia la paz en Oriente Medio a la seguridad de los israelíes, al término de una entrevista este martes en Jerusalén con el secretario de Estado norteamericano Warren Christopher. | ||
Degree [Deg] | Degree to which the Cognizer makes the cognitive connection. | |
Depictive [Dep] | Any word or phrase that caracterizes the External or the Object of the event. | |
Poseedora de la tecnología atómica pero oficialmente sin bomba nuclear, India quiere VINCULAR la aplicación del tratado de prohibición de ensayos nucleares a un calendario según el cual las cinco grandes potencias atómicas (Estados Unidos, Rusia, China, Gran Bretaña y Francia) eliminarían su arsenal. | ||
Evidence [Evi] | The phenomenon which proves the causal connection. | |
Las autoridades federales VINCULARON una enfermedad infecciosa que provocaba fiebre y diarrea con el consumo de frambuesas guatemaltecas, basandose en estudios epidemiológicos. | ||
Manner [Man] | Manner of performing an action. | |
El fiscal RELACIONÓ claramente al acusado con el crimen. | ||
Medium [Med] | The physical or abstract setting in which the Cognizer makes the cognitive connection. | |
Casinello fue RELACIONADO en medios periodísticos con la «guerra sucia» contra el terrorismo separatista. | ||
Reason [] | Why the cognitive connection takes place. | |
El tribunal popular VINCULÓ al acusado con el crimen, porque las pruebas aportadas por el fiscal confirmaban su participación en él. | ||
Time [] | When the event takes place. | |
Durante el tiempo en el que se emite una teleserie, los telespectadores suelen RELACIONAR a los actores con los personajes a los que interpretan. | ||
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Cognitive_connection
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
asociar.v, relacionar.v, vincular.v
Created by infinity on Sat Dec 15 22:31:06 CET 2001