

Some entity (Theme) starts out in one place (Source) and ends up in some other place (Goal), having covered some space between the two (Path). The frames that inherit the general Motion frame add some elaboration to this simple idea. Inheriting frames can add Goal-profiling (llegar [arrive]), Source-profiling (salir [leave]), or Path-profiling (cruzar [cross]), or aspects of the manner of motion (correr [run]) or assumptions about the shape-properties, etc., of any of the places involved (insertar [insert], extraer [extract]). A particularly complex area in the vocabulary of Motion is the depiction of the relation of Vehicles to the Theme. In some cases, no separate Theme is expressed:

El avión SOBREVOLÓ la ciudad.
In this case, the sentence is annotated in Motion_medium. When the Vehicle is profiled as being operated by a Driver, the sentence is annotated in the Operate_vehicle frame:

Para poder PILOTAR un avión, se requiere un gran entreno.



Goal [Goal]
Semantic Type
Goal is the location the Theme ends up in.
       The car MOVED into the slow lane.

Theme [Thm]
Semantic Type
The Theme is the entity that changes location.
       El jefe me obligó a IR a la oficina en un día festivo.
Area [Area]
Area identifies the setting in which the Theme's movement takes place without a specified Path.
       Emily MOVED restlessly around the room.

Cotheme [Thm_c]
The Cotheme is the second moving object, expressed as a prepositional phrase generally headed by con, junto con (with), etc.
       Max FUE a la playa con su novia.

Depictive [Dep]
The Depictive is a phrase which describes the state of the Theme.
       Max FUE al despacho enfurecido a recoger los documentos perdidos.

Direction [Dir]
The direction in which the Theme moves.
       FUIMOS en dirección sur a San Francisco.

Distance [Dist]
This FE is any index{frame elements!Distance}expression which characterizes the extent of motion. This frame element occurs throughout the motion domain but is very infrequent in Motion.Noise. The engine extbf{spluttered} forward [a short way] and stopped.

Duration [Dur]
Semantic Type
The amount of time for which a state holds or a process is ongoing.

Intention [Int]
This FE expresses the intention of the motion event performed by the Theme. Intention FEs are prepositional infinitives or sentential complements introduced by the preposition a [to] and are syntactic arguments of the verb.
       Max FUE al despacho enfurecido a recoger los documentos perdidos.

Manner [Manr]
Semantic Type
Any expression which describes a property of motion which is not directly related to the trajectory of motion expresses the frame element Manner. Descriptions of steadiness, grace, and many other things count as Manner expressions, though Speed and Means (FE not found) should be tagged using the more specific FE labels.
       IBA por las calles sin pensar en las concsecuencias de su actitud despreciable.

Path [Path]
Path refers to (a part of the) ground the Theme travels over or to a landmark the Theme travels by.
       Max FUE a Madrid en coche por la autopista.

Place [Pla]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Place where motion event takes place.

Purpose [Purp]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Purpose for which the Theme moves to a Goal:
       Max FUE a su despacho para recoger unos documentos.

Source [Src]
Semantic Type
The Source is the location the Theme occupies initially before its change of location.
       Max fue de Caracas a Mérida en avión.

Speed [Spd]
Semantic Type
This FE is used for the Speed at which the Theme moves.
       The ash cloud DRIFTED at twenty-five kilometres per hour.

Time [Time]
Semantic Type
When the event occurs.

Vehicle [Veh]
This index{frame elements!Vehicle}is the means of conveyance controlled by the Driver. It can move in any way and in any medium. With verbs, Vehicle is usually expressed as Object: I extbf{drove} [my car] to Canada.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By: Fluidic_motion, Self_motion, Traversing
Subframe of:
Has Subframes: Halt
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By: Body_movement, Bringing, Change_direction, Cotheme, Departing, Emanating, Excreting, Fluidic_motion, Operate_vehicle, Placing, Redirecting, Removing
Perspective on: Motion_scenario
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units


Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:11:41 CET 2001