

This frame binds together the various parts of movement, from setting out, to travelling, to arriving.
Semantic Type
Non-Lexical Frame


Area [Area]
The Area is the setting in which the Theme's movement takes place.
       Emily rose to her feet and MOVED restlessly around the room.

Cotheme [Thm_c]
The Cotheme is the second moving object, expressed as a direct object or an oblique.
       Pat ACCOMPANIED me down the street.
       The squirrel CHASED after the nut.

Distance [Dist]
The Distanceis any expression which characterizes the extent of motion.

Duration [Dur]
Semantic Type
The amount of time for the movement is ongoing.

Goal [Goal]
Semantic Type
The Goal is the location the Theme ends up in.
       The car accelerated and MOVED into the slow lane, as he passed.

Mode_of_transportation [MoT]
The Mode_of_transportation expresses how the motion of the Theme is effected, by its body or by a vehicle which holds and conveys the Theme. Vehicles can move in any way and in any medium. They are usually expressed obliquely with 'in' or 'by'.

Path [Path]
The Path refers to (a part of the) ground that the Theme travels over or to a landmark the Theme travels past.
       The door opened , and he MOVED past Dad, into the hall.

Source [Src]
Semantic Type
The Source is the location the Theme initially occupies before its change of location.
       The policeman MOVED away from the door.

Speed [Spd]
Semantic Type
The Speed is the rate at which motion occurs.
       The car MOVED along at 55 miles per hour.

Theme [Thm]
Semantic Type
The Theme is the entity that changes location.
       The explosion made me MOVE in a hurry.

Time [Time]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Time when the motion occurs.
       The truck MOVED at 10 o'clock.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in: Motion
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by infinity on Thu Oct 04 15:34:23 CEST 2001