The words in this frame describe motion in terms of the orientation (up or down) of the path traversed by the entity that moves. | |
Max SUBIÓ a la vigésimo novena planta del edificio. | |
Max DESCENDIÓ hasta el fondo del pozo. | |
Some of these predicates also indicate the manner of motion (escalar, trepar). | |
Los ladrones TREPARON por la valla para saltar al jardín. | |
Vanesa ESCALÓ la montaña por la cara norte. | |
Goal [Goa] | This FE identifies where the motion event ends up. | |
Los prisioneros BAJARON hasta las mazmorras del palacio. | ||
Theme [The] | The Theme is the entity that moves along a certain Path. | |
Los bomberos DESCENDIERON hasta las plantas inferiores del edificio para rescatar a los heridos. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Area [Are] | This FE identifies the general Area in which motion takes place when the motion is understood to be irregular or not to consist of a single, linear path. | |
El conductor de autobús DESCENDIÓ la pendiente a toda velocidad para recuperar el tiempo que había perdido durante el trayecto. | ||
Cause [Cau] | The Cause describes the force which sets the Theme into motion. | |
El puente SE DESPLOMÓ por la fuerza devastadora de las corrientes. | ||
Circunstances [] | This FE marks the set of conditions under which the Theme moves. | |
Los botes de las fuerzas navales españolas SE HUNDIERON en los combates. | ||
Cotheme [] | A second theme that moves with the Theme. | |
La alumna SALTÓ en paracaídas desde el avión junto a su instructor. | ||
Degree [] | The extent to which the Theme crosses boundary as it enters a Goal region or exits a Source region. | |
Depictive [] | This FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the the state of the Theme during the motion. | |
SE CAYÓ desnudo al agua. | ||
Distance [] | Distance identifies a phrase that characterizes the extent of motion of the Theme. | |
El atleta SALTÓ más de 6 metros batiendo el récord de España de los de su categoría. | ||
Duration [] | Duration is used for the length of time for which the Motion takes place. | |
Los barcos SE HUNDIERON durante la tormenta nocturna. | ||
EventDepictive [] | Depictive phrase describing an event. | |
Facilitating_event [] | ||
Instrument [Ins] | This FE referes to the object which is used in the motion event. | |
Intention [] | This FE expresses the intention of the motion event performed by the Theme. Intention FEs are prepositional infinitive or sentential complements introduced by the preposition a [to] and are syntactic arguments of the verb. | |
La policía SUBIÓ rápidamente al edificio en busca de los delincuentes. | ||
Iteration [Ite] | This FE identifies the number of times that the motion event takes places. | |
Manner [] | Manner of performing the motion event. | |
La lluvia CAE torrencialmente sobre la ciudad. | ||
Means [] | An event involving the Theme that results in the Theme moving in the specified way. | |
Mode_of_transportation [] | The Mode_of_transportation expresses how the motion of the Theme is effected, by its body or by a vehicle which holds and conveys the Theme. Vehicles can move in any way and in any medium. In this frame, Mode_of_transportation is often expressed obliquely in a prepositional phrase headed by 'en'. | |
Max SALTÓ del avión en paracaídas. | ||
Path [] | REVISAME Path refers to (a part of) the ground over which the Theme travels or to a landmark past which the Theme travels. | |
El autobús SE DESPEÑÓ por un barranco. | ||
Place [] | This FE identifies the Place where motion specified by Source, Path or Goal occurs. | |
Juan SE CAYÓ al suelo en su casa. | ||
Purpose [Pur] | Purpose of the bounded motion event. | |
El bombero DESCENDIÓ hasta el fondo del pozo para rescatar al herido. | ||
Reason [Rea] | This FE describes the reason for which a bounded motion event occurs. | |
Luis SE DESPEÑÓ montaña abajo, porque perdió el equilibrio. | ||
Result [] | This FE identifies the Result of the motion. | |
Las torres SE DESPLOMARON provocando una docena de heridos. | ||
Source [] | The Source is the location the Theme occupies before the motion occurs. | |
Su esposa SE CAYÓ desde lo alto de un acantilado. | ||
Speed [] | This FE identifies the Speed at which the motion occurs. | |
El remolcador SE HUNDIÓ rápidamente a causa del impacto. | ||
Time [] | This FE identifies the Time when the motion occurs. | |
El camión SE DESPEÑÓ durante la noche del viernes. | ||
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
ascender.v, bajar.v, brincar.v, caer.v, descender.v, despeñarse.v, desplomarse.v, emerger.v, escalar.v, hundirse.v, saltar.v, subir.v, trepar.v
Created by subirats on Thu Apr 14 13:43:24 CEST 2005