

The words in this frame describe motion in terms of the orientation (up or down) of the path traversed by the entity that moves.

Max SUBIÓ a la vigésimo novena planta del edificio.

Max DESCENDIÓ hasta el fondo del pozo.
Some of these predicates also indicate the manner of motion (escalar, trepar).

Los ladrones TREPARON por la valla para saltar al jardín.

Vanesa ESCALÓ la montaña por la cara norte.



Goal [Goa]
This FE identifies where the motion event ends up.
       Los prisioneros BAJARON hasta las mazmorras del palacio.

Theme [The]
The Theme is the entity that moves along a certain Path.
       Los bomberos DESCENDIERON hasta las plantas inferiores del edificio para rescatar a los heridos.
Area [Are]
This FE identifies the general Area in which motion takes place when the motion is understood to be irregular or not to consist of a single, linear path.
       El conductor de autobús DESCENDIÓ la pendiente a toda velocidad para recuperar el tiempo que había perdido durante el trayecto.

Cause [Cau]
The Cause describes the force which sets the Theme into motion.
       El puente SE DESPLOMÓ por la fuerza devastadora de las corrientes.

Circunstances []
This FE marks the set of conditions under which the Theme moves.
       Los botes de las fuerzas navales españolas SE HUNDIERON en los combates.

Cotheme []
A second theme that moves with the Theme.
       La alumna SALTÓ en paracaídas desde el avión junto a su instructor.

Degree []
The extent to which the Theme crosses boundary as it enters a Goal region or exits a Source region.

Depictive []
This FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the the state of the Theme during the motion.
       SE CAYÓ desnudo al agua.

Distance []
Distance identifies a phrase that characterizes the extent of motion of the Theme.
       El atleta SALTÓ más de 6 metros batiendo el récord de España de los de su categoría.

Duration []
Duration is used for the length of time for which the Motion takes place.
       Los barcos SE HUNDIERON durante la tormenta nocturna.

EventDepictive []
Depictive phrase describing an event.

Facilitating_event []

Instrument [Ins]
This FE referes to the object which is used in the motion event.

Intention []
This FE expresses the intention of the motion event performed by the Theme. Intention FEs are prepositional infinitive or sentential complements introduced by the preposition a [to] and are syntactic arguments of the verb.
       La policía SUBIÓ rápidamente al edificio en busca de los delincuentes.

Iteration [Ite]
This FE identifies the number of times that the motion event takes places.

Manner []
Manner of performing the motion event.
       La lluvia CAE torrencialmente sobre la ciudad.

Means []
An event involving the Theme that results in the Theme moving in the specified way.

Mode_of_transportation []
The Mode_of_transportation expresses how the motion of the Theme is effected, by its body or by a vehicle which holds and conveys the Theme. Vehicles can move in any way and in any medium. In this frame, Mode_of_transportation is often expressed obliquely in a prepositional phrase headed by 'en'.
       Max SALTÓ del avión en paracaídas.

Path []
REVISAME Path refers to (a part of) the ground over which the Theme travels or to a landmark past which the Theme travels.
       El autobús SE DESPEÑÓ por un barranco.

Place []
This FE identifies the Place where motion specified by Source, Path or Goal occurs.
       Juan SE CAYÓ al suelo en su casa.

Purpose [Pur]
Purpose of the bounded motion event.
       El bombero DESCENDIÓ hasta el fondo del pozo para rescatar al herido.

Reason [Rea]
This FE describes the reason for which a bounded motion event occurs.
       Luis SE DESPEÑÓ montaña abajo, porque perdió el equilibrio.

Result []
This FE identifies the Result of the motion.
       Las torres SE DESPLOMARON provocando una docena de heridos.

Source []
The Source is the location the Theme occupies before the motion occurs.
       Su esposa SE CAYÓ desde lo alto de un acantilado.

Speed []
This FE identifies the Speed at which the motion occurs.
       El remolcador SE HUNDIÓ rápidamente a causa del impacto.

Time []
This FE identifies the Time when the motion occurs.
       El camión SE DESPEÑÓ durante la noche del viernes.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

ascender.v, bajar.v, brincar.v, caer.v, descender.v, despeñarse.v, desplomarse.v, emerger.v, escalar.v, hundirse.v, saltar.v, subir.v, trepar.v

Created by subirats on Thu Apr 14 13:43:24 CEST 2005