

A Theme moves with respect to a Fixed_location, generally with a certain Periodicity, without undergoing unbounded translational motion or significant alteration of configuration/shape.

Ambas cuerdas VIBRAN con la misma frecuencia.



Theme [Thm]
Semantic Type
A physical entity that is participating in non-translational motion.
Angle [Ang]
The amount that the Theme turns.
       SPIN the dial a quarter turn.

Cause [Cause]
The Cause describes the force which sets the Theme into motion.
       El viento hacía VIBRAR los cristales de las ventanas.

Degree [Degr]
Degree to which event occurs.

Depictive []
Depictive phrase describing the actor of an action

Direction [Dir]
The direction of rotation of the Theme.
       El indicador GIRA en el sentido de las agujas del reloj.

Distance []
Any expression which characterizes the extent of motion expresses the frame element Distance.
       La nave GIRABA alrededor de la Tierra a 400 km de altitud.

Duration [Dur]
The amount of time for which a state holds or a process is ongoing.

Enabled_event [Ena]
An event which is enabled by the event referred to by the target.
       La máquina del tren SE LADEÓ repetidamente tras el primer impacto, produciéndose poco después el desacarrilamiento.

Facilitating_event []

Fixed_location [Fix_loc]
The point or set of points that define the limits of motion for the Theme. For spinning motions, it is the axis, for vibrating it is a boundary, for swinging it is a point.
       Esta figura tiene que GIRAR alrededor de un eje para generar un volumen.

Frequency [Fre]
The Frequency FE refers to the rate at which moving in place takes place.
       La torre GIRABA varias veces al día.

Iteration [Ite]
The FE Iteration identifies the number of times the motion event takes place.
       La nave SE LADEÓ varias veces antes de estrellarse.

Location [Loc]

Manner [Manr]
Semantic Type
The Manner FE describes the way in which the Theme moves in place.

Means []
An event involving the Theme that results in the Theme moving in the specified way.

Path_shape [Pat]
The FE Path_shape indicates the shape of the path.
       La nave espacial GIRABA en órbita a una distancia de 240 Km. de la Tierra.

Periodicity [Per]
The number of times the Theme returns to a state in a given duration.
       They SPUN it at 1000 rpms.

Place [Place]
Semantic Type
The location where the bounded motion happens.
       El terremoto hizo VIBRAR los edificios en toda la ciudad.

Purpose [Purp]
Semantic Type
Purpose of the bounded motion event.
       Esta figura tiene que GIRAR alrededor de un eje para generar un volumen.

Re_enconding [Re_e]
A larger conceptualization that includes the Moving_in_place as an integral part. The Moving_in_place expressed by the target typically corresponds to a Means action in this larger conceptualization.
       El corredor SE LADEABA de un lado a otro de la carretera, sin econtrar la forma de adelantar a sus rivales.

Reason [Reas]
The FE Reason describes the reason for which an bounded motion event occurs.

Result [Res]

Speed []
The Speed is the rate at which the Theme moves.

Time [Time]
Semantic Type
The time at which the Theme is in bounded motion.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

agitarse.v, balancearse.v, bambolearse.v, columpiarse.v, girar.v, ladearse.v, ondear.v, oscilar.v, rotar.v, saltar.v, traquetear.v, vibrar.v

Created by infinity on Tue Feb 26 17:54:29 CET 2002