

This frame covers words for Body_part(s) (BP) belonging to a Possessor (Poss), which may be characterized by a Descriptor (Desc). The location of the BP may be identified in terms of its Attachment or its Orientational_Location. A Subregion of a BP may also be indicated. The constructions in which body part words occur include the following:



Body_part [Body_P]
Semantic Type
This Frame Element is the Body_part.
       Kim's arm is broken.

Possessor [Poss]
This Frame Element denotes the Possessor of the Body_part.
       Kim's arm is broken.
Attachment [Attachment]
The Attachment is the larger body part to which the BP is attached.
       the FINGERS of her left hand
       the FIN on its back
       the dorsal FIN

Descriptor [Desc]
This Frame Element is used for a characteristic or description of the Body_part. Note that Descriptor is not an FE of the same character as other FEs. Specifically, rather than filling a slot, it identifies a modifier of its head noun.
       Kim has beautiful EYES.
       His trembling HANDS....

Orientational_Location [OrLoc]
This Frame Element describes the location of the Body_part with respect to the inherent orientation of the body (or the larger body part) the Body_part is attached to.
       left LEG
       hind FOOT
       second FINGER
       front WINGS
  NB: All of these (other than very productive types such as "left", "right", "front", "back", and "second") should be tagged as secondary targets.

Subregion [Subr]
Semantic Type
This FEidentifies the Subregion of the Body_part referred to by the target.
       upper ARM
       lower BACK

Inherits From: Shaped_part
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By: Body_movement, Manipulation
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by hcb on Fri May 25 13:41:47 CEST 2001