The words in this frame describe motion involving a Vehicle and someone who controls it, the Driver. Some words normally allow the Vehicle to be expressed as a separate constituent. | |
Max CONDUJO su coche toda la noche. | |
Driver [Dri] | This is the being, typically human, that controls the Vehicle as it moves. | |
Los ciclistas PEDALEARON hasta llegar a la meta. | ||
Vehicle [Veh] | This is the means of conveyance controlled by the Driver. It may move in any way or medium. With verbs, Vehicle is usually expressed as Object: | |
CONDUJO su coche hasta su casa. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Area [Area] | This frame element is used for expressions which describe a general area in which motion takes place when the motion is understood to be irregular and not to consist of a single linear path. Locative setting adjuncts of motion expressions may also be assigned this frame element. | |
El jinete GALOPABA con su caballo por la llanura. | ||
Conditions [Con] | This FE indicates the Conditions under which the operation of the Vehicle takes place. | |
Cotheme [Cot] | This is a second moving object, expressed as a PP headed by with. | |
Los niños PATINABAN con sus amigos por toda la pista | ||
Degree [Deg] Semantic Type Degree | The extent to which the Vehicle crosses a boundary or the extent to which the Vehicle completes a course. | |
Mis amigos y yo estábamos muy cansados porque habíamos patinado mucho durante la tarde. | ||
Depictive [Dep] | The state of the Driver or Vehicle during the transportation. | |
Lo detuvieron por CONDUCIR borracho. | ||
Distance [Dis] | Any expression which characterizes the extent of motion expresses the frame element Distance. | |
El jinete CABALGÓ con su caballo varios kilómetros hasta llegar a su casa. | ||
Duration [Dur] Semantic Type Duration | The length of the time interval during which the Driver operates the Vehicle. | |
Los niños ESTUVIERON PATINANDO durante toda la tarde | ||
Event [Eve] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | An event that the Driver is also participating in while directing the Vehicle. | |
Goal [Goa] Semantic Type Goal | Any expression which tells where the moving object(s) ends up as a result of the motion expresses the frame element Goal. Some particles imply the existence of a Goal which is understood in the context of utterance. | |
Max CONDUJO hasta su casa completamente borracho. | ||
Manner [Man] Semantic Type Manner | Any expression which describes a property of motion which is not directly related to the trajectory of motion expresses the frame element Manner. Descriptions of steadiness, grace, and other things count as Manner expressions. | |
The bikers RODE recklessly through the desert. | ||
The bikers RODE haltingly over the rough terrain. | ||
Means [Mea] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The action performed by the Driver by which the Driver achieves directed transportation. | |
I managed to BIKE home by holding the left handlebar in my teeth! | ||
Path [Path] | Any description of a trajectory of motion which is neither a Source nor a Goal expresses the frame element Path. This includes directional expressions and "middle of path'' expressions, e.g.: | |
El jinete CABALGÓ con su caballo por la carretera. | ||
Place [Pla] Semantic Type Locative_relation | The Place describes the location of a more specific motion (which has Source, Path or Goal). | |
Purpose [Pur] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | ||
Result [Res] | Result of the Driver's action. | |
Route [Rou] | The Route is the road or path that the Vehicle regularly travels on. | |
Source [Sou] Semantic Type Source | Any expression which implies a definite starting-point of motion expresses the frame element Source. In prepositional phrases, the prepositional object expresses the starting point of motion. With particles, the starting point of motion is understood from context. | |
CONDUJO su coche desde Barcelona hasta Madrid. | ||
Speed [Spe] Semantic Type Speed | The Speed is the rate at which the Vehicle moves. | |
El conductor CONDUCÍA el autobús a 80 km/h. | ||
Time [Tim] Semantic Type Time | The Time when the Driver operates the Vehicle | |
Yesterday, Smithers PADDLED his boat across the lake and back | ||
Inherits From: Operating_a_system
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Motion
Is Used By: Parking
Perspective on: Use_vehicle
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also: Motion
cabalgar.v, conducir.v, galopar.v, patinar.v, pedalear.v, pilotar.v, remar.v, trotar.v
Created by rocio on Mon Jul 12 15:53:51 CEST 2004