

A Cognizer holds a particular Opinion, which may be portrayed as being about a particular Topic. The Opinion FE may be expressed as a single constituent, typically, a que (that) clause or as two constituents, a focal entity which is the direct object of the target, and a predication.

Los accionistas CONSIDERAN que esta no es la decisión ideal.

El Ministerio no hizo pública su OPINIÓN sobre este cuestión.

Lo que PIENSO de ella es que ha arruinado su vida. ECNI

Your VIEW of Smithers as an excellent secretary is not shared by the rest of the UN.

I THINK of him as my own little pet.



Cognizer [Cog]
Semantic Type
The Cognizer is the person whose Opinion is in question.
       Los accionistas CONSIDERAN que esta no es la decisión ideal.

Opinion [Opi]
The Cognizer's way of thinking, which is not necessarily generally accepted, and which is generally dependent on the Cognizer's point of view.
       ENCUENTRO que es muy difícil determinar el valor numérico exacto de esta variable.
       La OPINIÓN de los accionistas es que esta decisión perjudica sus intereses.
Circumstances [Cir]
The Circumstances FE describes the state of the world (at a particular time and place) which is specifically independent of the event evoked by the target and any of its participants. This breaks down into two major uses: phrases expressing prevailing physical conditions; phrases expressing concurrent states of affairs which are neither Re_encodings (that is, larger events of which the event expressed by the target is part), nor properties predicated of a participant of the frame evoked by the target.
       A juzgar por los resultados de las encuentas, parece ser que casi nadie CREE que este mequetrefe vaya a ganar las elecciones generales en España.

Constancy [Con]
The level of firmness with which the Cognizer holds an opinion. It refers to the amount of convincing that they would need to change their mind.
       ¿Realmente CREE Vd. que este mequetrefe va a ganar las elecciones generales?

Domain [dom]
The aspects of the Opinion (and its Topic, if any) which are under consideration.
       We seemed to have two quite different moral VIEWS about this situation.
       Noone could take seriously Dr. Furst's ill-advised medical OPINION that Terry was still alive.

Evidence [evi]
The events or states-of-affairs that form the basis for the Cognizer's Opinion.
       From what I've seen so far, my OPINION is that it won't really matter.

Explanation [Exp]
The Explanation FE denotes a proposition from which the main clause (headed by the target) logically follows. This often means that the Explanation causes the state of affairs expressed by the target, but not in all cases. In particular, there are cases where the connection is a bit weaker than normal for causation. In these instances.
       Los sindicatos CONSIDERAN que el descenso del paro durante el mes de marzo es estacional, ya que, en ese mes suele haber un descenso del desempleo por la firma de contratos temporales en el sector servicios, debido al inicio de la Semana Santa.

Location_of_protagonist [Loc]
The Location of protagonist FE is used to indicate the physical or metaphorical location of a participant in cases where the multiple participants of an event are not co-located in the typical fashion.
       Desde todo el espectro político, se CONSIDERA inexplicable que un incendio que se localizó en el norte de la isla se encuentre ahora afectando a municipios ubicados en el sur y que no pudiera pararse a tiempo.

Manner [man]
Semantic Type
Any description of how the Cognizer holds an opinion which is not covered by more specific FEs, including secondary effects (quiet(ly)), and general descriptions comparing events (the same way). In addition, it may indicate salient characteristics of a Cognizer that also affect their thinking (presumptuous(ly), cold(ly)).
       She quietly held the BELIEF that it was he that had betrayed the rebellion.

Role [rol]
Role describes the presuppositional terms of the Opinion by placing the Topic or the Cognizer of the Opinion into a category.
       My OPINION of her as a brother isn't important anymore.
       Your TAKE on it as a political event is not in question at this time.

Time []
The Time at which the Cognizer has the Opinion.

Topic [Top]
A phenomenon that the Cognizer is considering with respect to their Opinion. Note that this frame element occurs freely with nouns, but only in very restricted contexts with verbs.
       Su OPINIÓN sobre la novela es muy positiva.
       Lo que todo el mundo PENSÓ de su discurso es que estaba plagado de errores e imprecisiones.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By: Taking_sides
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also: Awareness

Lexical Units

considerar.v, creer_(impresión).v, creer_(opinión).v, encontrar.v, impresión.n, jurar.v, opinión.n, sensación.n

Created by infinity on Tue Apr 26 10:54:54 CEST 2005