

The words in this frame describe a Driver stopping the motion of a Vehicle. The Vehicle may sometimes be used metonimically for the Driver that controls it.

El chófer ESTACIONÓ mi haiga delante de la puerta del Hotel Ritz.

Max APARCÓ el coche en la esquina.

Un coche sospechoso SE ESTACIONÓ frente a la comisaría de policia.



Driver [Dri]
The Driver FE refers to the being, typically human, that stops the Vehicle.
       Los pilotos DETUVIERON sus vólidos en los boxes.

Vehicle [Veh]
The Vehicle FE refers to means of conveyance controlled by the Driver. It may move in any way or medium. With verbs, Vehicle is usually expressed as Object:
       APARCÓ el coche de cualquier manera.
Conditions [Con]
This FE indicates the Conditions under which the operation of stopping the Vehicle takes place.

Cotheme [Cot]
This is a second stopping object, which is usually expressed as a PP headed by con 'with'.

Depictive [Dep]
The state of the Driver or Vehicle at the time he or she stops the Vehicle.
       El chofer, agotado después de un largo viaje, APARCÓ el coche en el garaje.

Manner [Man]
Any expression which describes a property of stopping a Vehicle which is not directly related to causing a Vehicle to stop expresses the FE Manner. Descriptions of steadiness, grace, and other things count as Manner expressions.
       Los gángsteres APARCARON sus vehículos silenciosamente.

Means [Mea]
The action performed by the Driver by which the Driver achieves to stop the Vehicle.
       Max APARCÓ el coche conduciendo con una sola mano.

Place [Pla]
The Place FE describes the location where the Driver stops the Vehicle.
       SE ESTACIONARON en la esquina

Purpose [Pur]
This FE referes to the Purpose why the Driver stops the Vehicle.
       DETUVIERON el coche para poner gasolina.

Time [Tim]
The Time when the Driver stops the Vehicle.
       Ayer, APARQUÉ mal el coche.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Operate_vehicle
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

aparcar.v, atracar.v, estacionar.v, estacionarse.v, fondear.v

Created by subirats on Mon Apr 21 19:29:24 CEST 2008