

The words in this frame describe motion in terms of the shape of the path traversed by the entity that moves.

Max GIRÓ a la derecha para tomar la carretera principal.
Some predicates indicate a path in relation with the current path (girar, virar), an implicit linear path (zigzaguear), the Theme's own path (desviarse), or another Theme's path (cruzarse):

El avión SE DESVIÓ de su ruta por casuas desconocidas.

Max SE CRUZÓ con Eva por la calle.
Other predicates indicate a path in relation with the area (Area) which is crossed (cruzar, atravesar), or the limits of the Area (bordear, esquivar). Other predicates in this frame indicate the path in relation with the type of path which is crossed and the way it is crossed (vadear). Finally, some predicates indicate a nonoriented path (vagar, merodear, vagabundear). The predicates that indicate a path in relation with the limits of the Area:

BORDEAMOS el lago para llegar a la casa.
can also be used to describe the shape of a physical path, such as a road or trail:

La antigua carretera BORDEABA el lago.
In some cases, the Road is formed by a collection of objects which are contrued as a physical path:

Las acacias BORDEBAN el estanque.
In these uses they are not literally motion verbs, but express what Langacker (1987) calls subjective motion. Such uses are annotated, but not ultimately treated as part of this frame. Predicates like bordear should be distinguished form others like bifurcar which can only be used to describe the shape of a physical or metaphorical path:

La carretera SE BIFURCA después del puente.

A partir de aquel momento, nuestros caminos SE BIFURCARON para siempre.



Road [Roa]
A physical path that a virtual moving entity can be imagined to travel along.
       El camino de tierra BORDEA el lago.

Theme [Thm]
The Theme is the object which moves. In many sentences this FE will be expressed as something which moves under its own power. However, this FE is not required to be an animate mover, so it is different from Self-mover.
       Los maleantes ESTUVIERON MERODEANDO por la zona.
Area [Are]
The FE Area is used for expressions which describe a general area in which motion takes place. Motion does not have to be regular or to consist of a single linear path.
       Los maleantes ESTUVIERON MERODEANDO por la zona.

Cotheme [Thm_c]
This is the second moving object, expressed as a direct object or an oblique:
       Pat ACCOMPANIED me down the street.
       The squirrel CHASED after the nut.

Degree [Degr]
Semantic Type
Degree to which event occurs.

Depictive [Dep]
Depictive phrase describing the actor of an action
       DEAMBULÁBAMOS semidesnudas por la zona, vagando por las calles como zombies.

Distance [Dis]
Any expression which characterizes the extent of motion expresses the frame element Distance.
       Los participantes del rally París-Moscú-Pekín deberán RECORRER 11.000 kilómetros hasta llegar a la capital China.

Goal [Goa]
Semantic Type
Any expression which tells where the Theme ends up as a result of the motion expresses the frame element Goal.
       Los ciclistas RECORRERÁN los Alpes italianos hasta llegar a Sestrieres.

Manner [Manr]
Semantic Type
Any expression which describes a property of motion which is not directly related to the trajectory of motion expresses the FE Manner. Descriptions of speed, steadiness, grace, means of motion, and other things count as Manner expressions.
       Las aves de rapiña REVOLOTEABAN en círculos sobre su cuerpo inerte.

Means [Mea]
Semantic Type
An state of affairs involving the Road that allows the Road to be in the specified configuration.
       As the Condell Road the route SKIRTS the northside of Limerick by passing through Westfield's bird sanctuary on the north bank of the River Shannon.

Path [Path]
Any description of a trajectory of motion which is neither a Source nor a Goal (see below) expresses the FE Path, including directional expressions.
       Durante la expedición, tuvimos que VADEAR un río por un lugar estrecho y algo profundo .

Place []
Semantic Type
The Place is where the motion (which is specified by a Source, Path or Goal) is located.
       En la ciudad, los civiles se desplazaban BORDEANDO los edificios acompañados por milicianos.

Purpose []
Semantic Type
The Purpose of the motion action.
       Las tropas de l ejército PATRULLABAN por la capital para resguardar a los choferes de autobuses ante el temor de una requisa de los automóviles por parte de los manifestantes.

Reason []
The Reason of the motion event.
       La policía PATRULLÓ por la zona durante toda la noche ante el temor a un ataque terrorista.

Result [Res]
This FE identifies the result of the motion event.
       El águila REVOLOTEÓ hasta posarse sobre su hombro.

Source [Src]
Semantic Type
Any expression which implies a definite starting-point of motion expresses the FE Source.
       El gato CRUZÓ el jardín desde la verja.

Speed [Spe]
Semantic Type
The Speed is the rate at which the Theme moves.
       El ratón RECORRIÓ el jardín a toda velocidad.

Time []
Semantic Type
This FE refers to when the motion event takes place.

Vehicle [Veh]
The Vehicle which is directed by a sentient entity to result in the motion of the Theme.
       Los agresores MERODEARON por la zona en sus motocicletasdurante la noche para inspeccionar el lugar.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Locative_relation
Is Used By: Traversing
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

bordear.v, callejear.v, deambular.v, esquivar.v, merodear.v, patrullar.v, recorrer.v, revolotear.v, rodear.v, rondar.v, vagar.v

Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:15 CET 2001