

This frame contains perception words whose perceivers intentionally direct their attention to some entity or phenomenon in order to have a perceptual experience. For this reason we call the perceiver role in this frame Perceiver_agentive.

Eva PRESTABA mucha ATENCIÓN a lo que le decía su profesora.

She GAZED upon him fondly.
Comparing the Perception_active frame to the Perception_experience frame, we note that for some modalities there are different lexical items in each frame. For instance, whereas Perception_active contains the verb mirar (look at), Perception_experience contains ver (see). For other sense modalities, we find the same lexical item in both frames. To illustrate, consider the verb smell. This first sentence exemplifies the Perception_active use of the verb smell:

SMELL this to see if it's fresh.CNI
This second sentence exemplifies its Perception_experience sense:

I SMELL something rotten.


Body_part [BodP]
Semantic Type
Body_part identifies the part of the body used as a sensory organ of the Perceiver_agentive, typically expressed in a with-PP.
       You should FEEL the water with your toes before jumping in.
  This frame element occurs infrequently in this frame, because most of the target words intrinsically imply what part of the body is used (e.g. smelling must be done with the nose). However, the verb feel does take this frame element, because touch is not localized on the body the same way as other modalities . Body_part may be expressed in other modalities when it adds specificity to what is implied by the target word in question.
       I was now able to breathe properly and started to FEEL over my body with both hands.
       I LOOKED at the wreckage with my good eye.

Direction [Dir]
Direction is used for all path-like expressions that describe how the perceiver's attention is directed during the act of perception, with the exception of those indicating the location of the Perceiver_agentive (which would be marked Location_of_perceiver)
       The detective LOOKED across the street at the suspect.
       The detective LISTENED through the wall to their conversation.

Perceiver_agentive [Per]
Semantic Type
The Perceiver_agentive performs some action in order to have a perceptual experience. It is usually expressed as an External Argument:
       Eva PRESTABA mucha ATENCIÓN a lo que le decía su profesora.
       The waiter SMELLED the milk to see if it was fresh.

Phenomenon [Phe]
Phenomenon indicates the entity or phenomenon to which the Perceiver_agentive directs his or her attention in order to have a perceptual experience. Typically, it is expressed as an Object with verbs.
       Eva prestaba mucha atención a lo que le contaba su profesora.
       The waiter SMELLED the milk to see if it was fresh.

Depictive [State]
State is used for predicate expressions that apply to the Phenomenon, providing some information about the state it is in while the perceiver's attention is directed to it:
       The detective WATCHED the suspect fleeing.
       Pat TASTED the cookie dough raw.

Duration [Dur]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Duration of time for which the Perception takes place.
       I WATCH them for quite a while .

Expected_entity [exp]
An entity or state-of-affairs that the Perceiver_agentive hopes, fears, or expects to find within the Phenomenon.
       WATCH for little errors with hand position.
       While Bertha was n't looking, he carefully SMELT the soup for any trace of the poison.

Focal_participant [Foc]
The Focal_participant FE denotes an entity which is related or affected by the event denoted by the target.
       Por lo que respecta a estos proyectos industriales, hay que PRESTAR especial ATENCIÓN al hecho de que han contribuido a desarrollar enormemente diversos sectores de nuestra actividad productiva.

Ground [Ground]
Ground is the perceptual background against which the Phenomenon is experienced by the Perceiver_agentive. In this frame, Ground occurs primarily with look.
       Kim LOOKED for the pill on the patterned rug.

Location_of_perceiver [Loc_Perc]
This FE is the position of the Perceiver during the act of perception. Typically, it is expressed in a from-PP.
       We WATCHED the parade from the roof.

Manner [Manr]
Semantic Type
Manner expressions may be of lexicographic interest if they describe properties of active perception as such: closely, carefully, etc.
       Dan LOOKED at the inscription carefully.

Means [Mns]
Semantic Type
The Means indicates the tool or method the Perceiver_agentive is using to actively perceive the Phenomenon. May be confused with Direction in cases with through-PP, but is referring more to the instrument used than the path used.
       Joann PEEKED at John through the binoculars
       You can OBSERVE distant galaxies with a good telescope.
       He OBSERVED babies using ultrasound and discovered that each showed a preference for one or the other thumb.

Place []
Semantic Type
The general location within which the act of perception takes place.

Purpose [Purp]
Semantic Type
Some action that the Perceiver_agentive is trying to accomplish by directing their own attention.
       She LISTENED to the music to find out if it was actually written by Satan.

Time [Tim]
Semantic Type
When the activity of attempting to perceive occurs.

Inherits From: Intentionally_act, Perception
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Attention
Is Used By: Scrutiny
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

degustar.v, divisar.v, escuchar.v, husmear.v, mirar.v, mirar_fijamente.v, observar.v, ojeada.v, oler.v, olfatear.v, olisquear.v, otear.v, palpar.v, saborear.v, vistazo.n

Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:19 CET 2001