This frame contains perception words whose Perceivers have perceptual experiences that they do not necessarily intend to. For this reason we call the Perceiver role Perceiver_passive. Comparing the Perception_experience frame to the Perception_active frame, we note that for some modalities there are different lexical items in each frame. For instance, whereas Perception_experience has ver (see), Pereception_active has mirar (look at). For other sense modalities, we find the same lexical items in both frames. To illustrate, consider the verb oler (smell) where: | |
Se podía OLER el perfume de las rosas desde la entrada. | |
exemplifies its Perception_experience use and: | |
OLÍ la leche para saber si se había estropeado. | |
exemplifies its Perception_active sense. This frame also includes words which are not specific to any sense modality, including detectar (detect), percibir (perceive), percepción (perception), etc.. |
Body_part [BodP] Semantic Type Body_part | The Body_part is the location on the body where the perceptual experience takes place. It is typically expressed in a PP. | |
Marlow FELT something cold and hard against the back of his neck. | ||
This Frame Element occurs less frequently than others, because many target words imply that a particular part of the body is involved (e.g. smelling must be done with the nose). However, the verb feel does take this Frame Element, because touch is not localized on the body the same way other modalities are. Body_part may be expressed in other modalities when it adds specificity to what is implied by the target word in question. | ||
I HEARD a ringing in my right ear. | ||
Perceiver_passive [Perc-Pass] Semantic Type Sentient | This FE is the being who has a perceptual experience, not necessarily on purpose. It is typically expressed as an External Argument. | |
The waiter SMELLED something foul in the kitchen. | ||
Phenomenon [Phe] | This FE is the entity or phenomenon that the perceiver experiences with his or her senses. It is typically expressed as Object with verbs. | |
The waiter SMELLED something foul in the kitchen. | ||
Many of the verbs in this frame allow Raising: | ||
Esta tarde vi llover, VI gente correr y no estabas tú. | ||
In the example above, the word gente (people) is syntactically the Direct Object of the target verb ver, but it does not express an FE of the target. Rather, it is merely construed as the External Argument of the verb correr (run), which heads the VP Complement of the target. In this situation, both the raised consituent gente and the VP Complement correr are marked with the Phenomenon FE, but are marked as separate constituents. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Degree [Degr] Semantic Type Degree | The Degree indicates the degree to which the Perception is experienced. | |
A nightmare creature, barely PERCEIVED in the swirling dense smoke, was beating at the flames coming from its own body. | ||
Older people PERCEIVE less well. | ||
Depictive [State] | The State indicates predicate expressions that apply to the Phenomenon, providing some information about the state it is in while the Perceiver_passive experiences it. | |
The detective SAW the suspect fleeing. | ||
Pat SAW Kim naked. | ||
Direction [Dir] | This frame element is used for all path-like expressions, except those indicating the location of the perceiver (see above), that describe how the perceiver's attention is directed during the act of perception. | |
The detective could easily SEE into the house. | ||
The detective HEARD their conversation through the wall. | ||
Ground [Ground] | The Ground is the perceptual background against which the Phenomenon is experienced (or not experienced) by the Perceiver_passive. It can be distinguished from locative postnominal modifiers of the Phenomenon in negative contexts. | |
Pat didn't SEE Kim behind the bar. | ||
In this example, it is implied that Pat looked behind the bar and did not find Kim there. | ||
Location_of_perceiver [Loc_perc] | This FE identifies the Location_of_perceiver during the perceptual experience. It is typically expressed in a from-PP. | |
The witnesses SAW the robbery from the their car. | ||
Manner [Manr] Semantic Type Manner | Manner expressions may be of lexicographic interest if they describe properties of perception as such: clearly, loudly, etc. | |
Pat HEARD the shot clearly. | ||
Means [Mns] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The action whereby the Perceiver perceives. | |
He SAW it by looking out the window. | ||
Time [Tim] | The Time at which the Perceiver_passive or the Body_part perceives the Phenomenon. |
Inherits From: Perception
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By: Perception_body
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also: Perception_active
notar.v, oir.v, oler.v, percibir.v, sentir.v, ver.v
Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:22 CET 2001