This frame deals with an Agent's moving of a Theme in relation to a Goal. In Placing, the Theme is profiled, and ends up at the Goal. | |
María PUSO el jarrón de flores sobre la mesa. | |
Generally without overall motion, an Agent places a Theme at a location, the Goal, which is profiled. In this frame, the Theme is under the control of the Agent/Cause at the time of its arrival at the Goal. | |
Eva COLOCÓ el jarron sobre la consola. | |
Sentences containing passive participles of these verbs may or may not be in frame, depending on whether they refer to the event of placing or the resulting state of placement. For example: | |
Los libros HAN SIDO EMPAQUETADOS por los empleados. | |
belongs in this frame. But empaquetado (boxed) in the following sentence: | |
Los libros están EMPAQUETADOS en cajas. | |
is out of frame, since empaquetado refers only to the resulting state. |
Agent [Agt] Semantic Type Sentient | The Agent is the person (or other force) that causes the Theme to move. | |
María PUSO el jarrón sobre la mesa. | ||
Cause [Cause] | Cause of the placing event. | |
La corriente FUE AMONTONANDO los cadaveres en las playas. | ||
Goal [Goal] Semantic Type Goal | The FE Goal is the location where the Theme ends up. This FE is profiled by words in this frame. | |
María PUSO el jarrón sobre la mesa. | ||
Sometimes the Goal FE is understood from context, for example, with traer (bring), etc. | ||
El camarero nos TRAJO una deliciosa paella [a la mesa]. | ||
Theme [Thm] Semantic Type Physical_object | The Theme is the object that changes location during the Placing. | |
Max PUSO su batería en el trastero. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Area [Area] | The Area is the setting into which the Theme is placed. | |
COLOCÓ todos sus trastos alrededor de la casa. | ||
Circumstances [Cir] | ||
Degree [Degr] Semantic Type Degree | The Degree indicates the degree to which the placing occurs. | |
Depictive [Dep] | This FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the Agent or Theme of the placing. | |
I PUT the raisin in unwashed. | ||
Distance [Dist] | This FE is any expression which characterizes the extent of motion. I PLUNGED my hands wrist deep in the fragrant herbs and rubbed the dry fragments between the fingertips | |
Duration [] Semantic Type Duration | The Duration is the amount of time for which the Theme is to stay in the Goal location. | |
ESTUVIERON DESCARGANDO la mercancía de forma clandestina, hasta que la policía les detuvo. | ||
EventDepictive [] | Depictive phrase describing an event. | |
Likelihood [Lik] | The FE Likelihood refers to the likelihood of the motion event referred to by target. | |
Manner [Manr] Semantic Type Manner | Any expression which describes a property of the placing action which is not directly related to the trajectory of the Theme's motion expresses the frame element Manner. Descriptions of speed, steadiness, grace, means of motion, and other things count as Manner expressions. | |
Max COLOCÓ los libros en las estanterías con mucho cuidado. | ||
Means [] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | ||
Path [Path] | Any description of a trajectory of motion which is neither a Source nor a Goal expresses the frame element Path. In this frame, Path expressions almost always have a via-sense. | |
El servicio de espionaje INTRODUJO la microcámara en la habitación por una ranura. | ||
Place [] Semantic Type Locative_relation | The Place indicates where the placing occurs. | |
Tanto en EE.UU como en Europa, muchos internautas COLGARON en señal de duelo crespones negros en sus webs. | ||
Purpose [] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | An action that the Agent intends to accomplish by performing the placing action. | |
PUSIERON los libros en cajas para transportarlos. | ||
Result [Result] | Result of the placing event. | |
Los manifestantes PUSIERON todo tipo de obstáculos en la calle, hasta que obstruyeron completamente el paso. | ||
Source [Src] Semantic Type Source | Source is the initial location of the Theme, before it changes location. | |
En Word, se puede INSERTAR una imagen en el texto desde la galería de imágenes del propio programa. | ||
Speed [Spd] Semantic Type Speed | The Speed is the rate at which placing occurs. | |
GUARDAMOS rapidamente el dinero. | ||
Time [] Semantic Type Time | Time when the placing event occurs. | |
PUSIERON los cadáveres en los ataúdes al atardecer. | ||
Inherits From: Transitive_action
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of: Cause_motion
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by: Removing
Uses: Motion
Is Used By: Filling
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
amontonar.v, aparcar.v, apilar.v, cargar.v, colgar.v, colocar.v, guardar.v, insertar.v, introducir.v, meter.v, poner.v, situar.v
Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:16 CET 2001