

A Speaker states or makes known a future Eventuality on the basis of some Evidence.

Luis PREDIJO que el bebé que venía en camino iba a ser una niña.

The Weather Centre PREDICTED that it would be warmer but wet for the weekend.

The OECD FORECAST that UK interest rates would be 13 per cent by the end of 1989.

Another seer who FORECAST a Tory majority -- without compromising his impartiality -- was Sir Robin Day .

The European market is FORECAST to grow 18.1% by the end of next fiscal year.



Eventuality [Eve]
This FE marks expressions that indicate an event or state that is predicted to occur or hold at a future time. A single Eventuality may be expressed discontinuously in a raising construction. This FE is also used for expressions that denote entities with variable attributes about which the Speaker makes predictions.
       La muchacha PREDIJO que después del accidente su marido volvería a andar.
        PREDICTING the weather is risky business.
       PREDICTING the numbers of disabled elderly into the future is problematic as it depends upon the projection forward of current patterns of disability .
        WangFORECASTS a 9 per cent increase in state revenue
        The European market is FORECAST to grow 18.1%.

Medium [Med]
The physical or abstract setting in which the Eventuality is conveyed.
       Los resultados de las elecciones corroboran la PREDICCIONES de las encuestas.

Speaker [Spe]
Semantic Type
The Speaker makes a prediction.
       Billy Hunter no quiso hacer PREDICCIONES acerca de cómo resultarían las pláticas.
       The institute FORECAST an increase in leisure spending of 15 per cent.

Topic [Top]
Topic is the subject matter about which a Speaker states or makes known a future Eventuality. It is normally expressed as a PP-complement headed by sobre (about).
       Se hicieron PREDICCIONES completamente erróneas sobre este tema.
       Las PREVISIONES sobre las catastróficas consecuencias del cambio climático se han ido cumpliendo una tras otra.
Accuracy [Acc]
This FE indicates the Accuracy of the prediction.
       Los economistas no saben PREDECIR con exactitud cuáles van a ser los efectos económicos de la crisis en los países más desarrollados.

Concessive [Con]
This FE signifies that the state of affairs expressed by the main clause (containing the target) occurs or holds, and something other than that state of affairs would be expected given the state of affairs in the concessive clause. In other words, given only the facts of the Concessive, one would expect them to cause the world to be the opposite of what is portrayed in the main clause.
       PREDIJO que su equipo vencería, a pesar de tenerlo todo en su contra.

Domain [Dom]
The aspects of the Eventuality (or Topic) which are predicted.
       El vidente hizo ayer sus PREDICCIONES astrológicas para el año 1997.

Evidence [Evi]
This Frame Element marks expressions that denote a set of facts on the basis of which the Speaker makes the prediction.
       Violence was PREDICTED on the basis of disorder at demonstrations in Paris.

Focal_participant [Foc]
The Focal_participant FE refers to an entity that is related to the Eventuality which is stated or made known by the Speaker.
       Las PREDICCIONES más sombrías para los demócratas circulaban el miércoles en las filas de la mayoría republicana.

Manner [Man]
Semantic Type
Manner marks any description of the Speaker's prediction making that is not covered by more specific FEs.
       Eva desesperadamente PREDIJO que nada iba a ser tan malo como lo que le sucede ahora.
       Smeagol confidently PREDICTED that he would win the race.
       One commentator rashly PREDICTED that the fad for adaptions wouldn't last much longer
  Note that this FE does not cover modifiers such as 'correctly' or 'accurately'.

Place [Pla]
Semantic Type
The Place where the Speaker makes the prediction.
       En una playa desierta, PREDIJO que encontraría a la mujer de su vida.
        Greenman PREDICTED at a small dinner party that the market would rise again.

Time [Tim]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Time when the prediction is made.
       María PREDIJO la semana pasada que llovería.
       John PREDICTED last year that he would be finished by October.

Time_of_Eventuality [Ti_o_e]
This frame element marks expressions that indicate for what future time an Eventuality is predicted.
       En un programa navideño de televisión, se hicieron PREDICCIONES para el año 2000.
        Cocoa stocks reached a record 1.2m tonnes and a seventh year of surplus is FORECAST for the year to September 1991.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Expectation
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

augurar.v, augurio.n, predecir.v, predicción.n, presagiar.v, presagio.n, prever.v, previsión.n, profecía.n, profetizar.v, pronosticar.v, pronóstico.v, vaticinar.v, vaticinio.n

Created by josef on Fri Nov 22 14:43:02 CET 2002