A Recipient comes into possession of the Theme as a result of the joint action of the Donor and the Recipient. The Receiving frame like the Giving frame requires that the Donor first has possession of the Theme and that following the transfer, the Donorno longer has the Theme and the Recipient does. |
Donor [don] Semantic Type Source | The person who gives the Theme to the Recipient. | |
Recipient [] | The person who acts to come into possession of the Theme. | |
Theme [] Semantic Type Physical_object | The entity that changes possession, beginning in the possession of the Donor and ending up with the Recipient. | |
Non-Core: | ||
Countertransfer [cou] | A good given or a service rendered by the Recipient, in return for wich the Theme is given to the Recipient by the Donor. | |
Shelley Walker of Washoe County?s Information Technology Department RECEIVED $100 for her suggestion to create an electronic employee evaluation form. | ||
Depictive [dep] | The state of the Recipient or Theme during the action. | |
I didn't expect to RECEIVE this steak absolutely raw! | ||
Manner [man] Semantic Type Manner | The character of the Recipient which saliently affects the action, or a general description of the action itself. | |
He slyly RECEIVED the package without signing for it. | ||
Means [mea] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The act that the Recipient performs which brings about their reception of the Theme. | |
She received the package by signing her name on the delivery certification. | ||
Mode_of_transfer [mod] | The system whereby the Theme travels (literally or metaphorically) so that the Recipient comes into possession of the Theme. | |
I RECEIVED it by e-mail. | ||
Path [pat] | When the Theme is received physically by the Recipient from the Donor, the Path of motion of the Theme may be specified. | |
Place [] Semantic Type Locative_relation | The location at which the Recipient comes into possession of the Theme. | |
Purpose_of_donor [pur] | The aim of the Donor, which they believe will be accomplished by giving the Theme. | |
Rural communities RECEIVED government subsidiesto ensure their continued viability.. | ||
Purpose_of_theme [pot] | What the Recipient intends to do with the Theme. | |
James Madison Memorial High School RECEIVED $1,000 to purchase instruments for school orchestra and band programs. | ||
Role [rol] | A role that the Theme is intended to fill by the Donor. | |
He RECEIVED the book as a gift from his uncle. | ||
Time [tim] Semantic Type Time | The time at which the Recipient comes into possession of the Theme. | |
She received the package before the month was out. | ||
Inherits From: Getting
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of: Receiving_scenario
Has Subframes:
Precedes: Post_receiving
Is Preceded by: Pre_receiving
Is Used By:
Perspective on: Transfer
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
percibir.v, recibir.v
Created by infinity on Fri Oct 04 19:03:11 CEST 2002