

Some Evidence relates Concept_1 to Concept_2. The two concepts may be expressed collectively as associated Concepts. Any cognizer is deprofiled.

Las evidencias obtenidas por el magistrado argentino RELACIONAN a diplomáticos iraníes con la bomba que provocó la muerte de casi 100 personas en las oficinas de una organización israelí de Buenos Aires.

Dos casquillos de bala idénticos RELACIONAN los dos crímenes y podrían haberles bastado a los investigadores para localizar al presunto criminal.


Concept_1 [Con_1]
The FE Concept_1 denotes the concept which is linked to Concept_2. Concept_1 is usually expressed as the External Argument.
       Este descubrimiento VINCULA definitivamente a la secta con el atentado que provocó doce muertos y más de 50 heridos.

Concept_2 [Con_2]
The Concept_2 FE denotes the concept which is tied to Concept_1. It is generally expressed as a PP complement.
       Esta nuevas evidencias VINCULAN a esta planta planta química con la fabricación de armas químicas y biológicas.

Concepts [Con]
The FE Concepts refers to Concept_1 and Concept_2 expressed jointly.
       Dos casquillos de bala idénticos RELACIONAN los dos crímenes y podrían haberles bastado a los investigadores para localizar al presunto criminal.

Evidence [Evi]
The FE Evidence referes to the phenomenon that points to or proves the connection between Concept_1 and Concept_2. It is usually expressed as an External Argument.
       Las nuevas pruebas aportadas por el fiscal permitieron RELACIONAR ambos crímenes.

Conditions [Cnd]
The conditions under which the connection exists.

Degree [Deg]
Semantic Type
The Degree of connection between the Concepts.

Point_of_view [POV]
The point of view from which the connection exists.

Specification [Spec]
A further specification on the linkage.

Time [Tim]
The FETime refers to the time when event takes place.

Inherits From: Cognitive_connection, Cognitive_connection
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

relacionar.v, vincular.v

Created by subirats on Fri May 16 15:58:07 CEST 2008