Some Evidence relates Concept_1 to Concept_2. The two concepts may be expressed collectively as associated Concepts. Any cognizer is deprofiled. | |
Las evidencias obtenidas por el magistrado argentino RELACIONAN a diplomáticos iraníes con la bomba que provocó la muerte de casi 100 personas en las oficinas de una organización israelí de Buenos Aires. | |
Dos casquillos de bala idénticos RELACIONAN los dos crímenes y podrían haberles bastado a los investigadores para localizar al presunto criminal. | |
Concept_1 [Con_1] | The FE Concept_1 denotes the concept which is linked to Concept_2. Concept_1 is usually expressed as the External Argument. | |
Este descubrimiento VINCULA definitivamente a la secta con el atentado que provocó doce muertos y más de 50 heridos. | ||
Concept_2 [Con_2] | The Concept_2 FE denotes the concept which is tied to Concept_1. It is generally expressed as a PP complement. | |
Esta nuevas evidencias VINCULAN a esta planta planta química con la fabricación de armas químicas y biológicas. | ||
Concepts [Con] | The FE Concepts refers to Concept_1 and Concept_2 expressed jointly. | |
Dos casquillos de bala idénticos RELACIONAN los dos crímenes y podrían haberles bastado a los investigadores para localizar al presunto criminal. | ||
Evidence [Evi] | The FE Evidence referes to the phenomenon that points to or proves the connection between Concept_1 and Concept_2. It is usually expressed as an External Argument. | |
Las nuevas pruebas aportadas por el fiscal permitieron RELACIONAR ambos crímenes. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Conditions [Cnd] | The conditions under which the connection exists. | |
Degree [Deg] Semantic Type Degree | The Degree of connection between the Concepts. | |
Point_of_view [POV] | The point of view from which the connection exists. | |
Specification [Spec] | A further specification on the linkage. | |
Time [Tim] | The FETime refers to the time when event takes place. |
Inherits From: Cognitive_connection, Cognitive_connection
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
relacionar.v, vincular.v
Created by subirats on Fri May 16 15:58:07 CEST 2008