An Agent causes a Theme to move away from a location, the Source. The Theme is profiled by the words in this frame, and is removed from the Source. | |
El camarero RETIRÓ los platos de la mesa. | |
Agent [Agt] Semantic Type Sentient | The Agent is the person (or other force) that causes the Theme to move: | |
El camarero RETIRÓ los platos de la mesa. | ||
Cause [Cause] | Some predicates in this frame occur with a Cause instead of an Agent. | |
Aquel terrible huracán ARRANCÓ incluso los techos de algunas casas de madera. | ||
Source [Src] Semantic Type Source | The Source is the initial location of the Theme, before it changes location. | |
El camarero RETIRÓ los platos de la mesa. | ||
Theme [Thm] Semantic Type Physical_object | Theme is the object that changes location. | |
El médico EXTRAJO la bala de su cuerpo. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Degree [Degr] Semantic Type Degree | Degree to which event occurs | |
Depictive [Dep] | Depicitive phrase describing either the Agent or Theme of the removing. | |
Goal [Goal] Semantic Type Goal | The Goal is the location where the Theme ends up. This Frame Element is not profiled by words in this frame, though it may occasionally be expressed, as with the verb sacar. | |
Los militares SACARON todas sus unidades a la calle en previsión de posibles ataques. | ||
Instrument [Ins] | This frame element refers to the Instrument used in the removing event. | |
Le EXTRAJERON la bala con unas alicates. | ||
Intention [Int] | This frame element expresses the intention of the motion event performed by the Theme. Intention FEs are prepositional infinitive or sentential complements introduced by the preposition a and are syntactic arguments of the verb. | |
Max SACÓ a los perros a pasear. | ||
Manner [Manr] Semantic Type Manner | Any expression which describes a property of motion which is not directly related to the trajectory of motion expresses the frame element Manner. Descriptions of speed, steadiness, grace, means of motion, and other things count as Manner expressions. | |
El ejército EVACUÓ con gran rapidez la zona afectada por la catástrofe. | ||
Means [Mns] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The Means is an act whereby the Agent achieves the removal. | |
You'll have to EJECT it by sticking an unfolded paperclip into that little hole. | ||
Path [Path] | Any description of a trajectory of motion which is neither a Source nor a Goal expresses the frame element Path. In this frame, Path expressions almost always have a via-sense. | |
El ejército EVACUÓ a los heridos por un estrecho túnel. | ||
Place [] Semantic Type Locative_relation | The location where the removal takes place. | |
Esta revista FUE RETIRADA de los quioscos en todo el país. | ||
Possesor [Pos] | The Possesor identifies the living being to whom the Theme belongs. | |
La muela del juicio le FUE EXTRAÍDA durante una complicada operación. | ||
Purpose [Purp] | Purpose of the removing event. | |
Le EXTRAJERON la bala para intentar salvar su vida. | ||
Reason [] | The Reason for which an event occurs. | |
Result [Res] | The Result is the resultant state after the removing has occurred. | |
Source_of_legal_authority [] | The FE Source_of_legal_authority describes the law or authority that forces the removing event. | |
Las vallas publicitarias pornográficas fueron RETIRADAS de la ciudad por orden del juez. | ||
Time [] Semantic Type Time | When the event occurs. | |
Vehicle [Veh] | The Vehicle expresses the conveyance with which the Agent effects the motion of the Theme. The Vehicle holds and conveys the Theme. Vehicles can move in any way and in any medium. They are usually expressed obliquely with en or por. | |
Los heridos FUERON EVACUADOS en helicópteros. | ||
Los damnificados FUERON EVACUADOS por avión hasta sus nuevos hogares. | ||
Inherits From: Transitive_action
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of: Cause_motion
Has Subframes:
Precedes: Placing
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Motion
Is Used By: Emptying
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also: Placing
arrancar.v, desahuciar.v, desalojar.v, descargar.v, descolgar.v, desenterrar.v, evacuar.v, expulsar.v, extraer.v, quitar.v, retirar.v, sacar.v
Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:16 CET 2001