

An Agent performs a Response action in consequence of a Trigger event. In many cases, a non-agentive Responding_entity causes the Response after the Trigger occurs.


Agent [age]
Semantic Type
The intentional Agent that is impinged upon by a Trigger event to which they respond.
       Once again the Government is RESPONDING to a crisis with measures that will only harm patients

Responding_entity [res_e]
An non-agentive entity that is impinged upon by a Trigger event to which they respond.
       The pattern of lightswill RESPOND to an acoustic signal, such as vocal commands.

Response [res]
The means action whereby the Agent responds to the Trigger.
       The diocese RESPONDED by taking the property

Trigger [tri]
An event that impinges upon the Agent or Responding_entity and produces a Response from it.
        How has the modern welfare state RESPONDED to the needs of working class women, and why?

Dimension [dim]
A particular feature of the Responding_entity or Agent that is involved in the Response action.
       Don't respond emotionally, RESPOND rationally.
       The body's immune RESPONSE to this agent is particularly extreme.

Manner [man]
Semantic Type
A characterization of the Responding_entity, Agent, or their Response action.
       The government agencies RESPONDED slowly and without much effort.

Place [pla]
Semantic Type
The location in which the Response action takes place.
       The auto industry has RESPONDED in the U.S., but particularly in Asian and European markets by manufacturing an entry-level segment of cars that is more appealing, better looking, and safer than in the past.

Purpose []
Semantic Type
An action that the Agent intends to accomplish by performing the Response action.

Role [rol]
The capacity of of the Agent is their Response act.
       His RESPONSE as an official was quite off-putting.

Time [tim]
Semantic Type
The point in time when the Agent or Responding_entitymanifests its Response to the Trigger.
       Israel RESPONDED yesterday to the killing of 22 people by Palestinian suicide bombers with a helicopter attack

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By: Communication_response
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by josef on Wed Dec 15 11:23:33 CET 2004