

An Agent (the punisher or rewarder) performs a Response_action on an Evaluee for a Reason, the Evaluee's actions or beliefs. Means and Instrument may also be indicated. The goal of the punishment/reward is to discourage/encourage the actions or beliefs. Words in this frame presuppose that a judgment of the Evaluee has occurred and that the Evaluee is (or becomes) aware of the judgment. This judgment was performed by a cognizer which is either the same as the Agent, or, minimally, a representative of the same institution.

His PUNISHMENT of the prisoners was too harsh.

Her PUNISHMENT was too harsh.

The PENALTY for this crime is death.

I believe that this behaviour should be subject to DISCIPLINARY action.


Agent [Agt]
Semantic Type
The Agent is the person doing the rewarding or punishing.
       Jake's REWARDS to his best workers were very generous.

Evaluee [Eval]
Evaluee is the person or thing about whom/which a judgment has made and to whom reward/punishment is dealt. With verbs, the Evaluee is typically expressed as Object.
       The boss REWARDED you for your diligence.

Reason [Reas]
Semantic Type
Typically, there is a constituent expressing the Reason for theAgent's judgment. It is usually a 'for'-PP, e.g.
       I PUNISHED him for his impudence.

Response_action [Action]
The reward or punishment given to the Evaluee by the Agent.
       If a person be guilty of impiety let him be PUNISHED with death.

Degree [Degr]
Semantic Type
Degree of reward or punishment.

Depictive [Depict]
Depictive phrase describing the Agent of the reward or punishment.

Instrument [Ins]
Semantic Type
The Instrument with which the reward or punishment is carried out.

Manner [Manr]
Semantic Type
Manner of performing the reward or punishment.

Means [Mns]
Semantic Type
The action that is taken that results in punishement/reward.
       His parents DISCIPLINED him by taking away his toys.
       The Bar Association REWARDED her by hosting a lunch in her honor.

Place [Place]
Semantic Type
Where the event takes place.

Purpose [Purp]
Semantic Type
The Purpose of the reward or punishment.

Result [Result]
Result of the reward or punishment.

Time [Time]
Semantic Type
When the event occurs.

Inherits From: Intentionally_affect
Is Inherited By: Execution, Fining
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by infinity on Mon Aug 27 13:49:08 CEST 2001