A particular Situation is likely (or unlikely) to result in a harmful event befalling an Asset. The Situation may be a state, an activity, or some focal entity that must be inferred to be part of some larger Situation involving both it and the Asset. Although the idea of a harmful event is crucial to the understanding of this frame, it is not expressible as an argument of the LUs in this frame. | |
La actividad de esta empresa representa un PELIGRO para las poblaciones cercanas. | |
Es una propuesta ARRIESGADA para nuestra empresa. | |
Is climate change DANGEROUS for mankind? | |
Customers can make complaints about UNSAFE products. | |
The primary RISK is to our infrastructure. | |
See the Run_risk frame for discussion on differentiation regarding the noun risk. |
Asset [Ass] | Something judged to be desirable or valuable which might be lost or damaged. | |
El trafico de armamento nuclear puede representar un grave PELIGRO para la paz y la seguridad mundiales. | ||
Honey is not SAFE for babies. | ||
Dangerous_entity [Dan] | This FE denotes an entity which is involved in an event that may lead to a harmful event for the Asset. The Dangerous_entity FE may metonimically stand for the event in which it is involved. | |
China puede representar en el futuro un PELIGRO militar para Japón. | ||
Situation [Sit] | The Situation which may lead to a harmful event. | |
Trabajar en estas condiciones es un PELIGRO para nosotros. | ||
Most people agree, going over 100mph is UNSAFE. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Degree [deg] | A modifier expressing the deviation of the actual level of security from the expected value given the Situation and the state indicated by the target itself. | |
Existe cierto PELIGRO en poner tanto material potencialmente lujurioso en los registros públicos. | ||
Rogue nations are our greatest THREAT. | ||
Domain [dom] | The Domain in which the Situation is safe. | |
All of our websites are educationally SAFE. | ||
Explanation [Exp] | The Explanation denotes a proposition from which the state of security or insecurity of the Asset logically follows. | |
Estas organizaciones criminales constituyen una AMENAZA para Estados Unidos por su capacidad para transportar grandes cantidades de heroína y cocaína. | ||
Manner [Man] | Manner of performing the event. | |
La mayoría de afectados prefiere asumir el RIESGO en silencio. | ||
Place [pla] | A particular location for which the Situation is safe. Frequently, it is to be inferred that the characteristics of the location make various Situations safe or unsafe. | |
Se produjo una AMENAZA en la calle Valencia. | ||
Purpose [Pur] | Some of the words in this frame frequently occur with a constituent expressing the Purpose for which the risky_situation occurs. | |
Time [Tim] | The time period during which the Situation has the specified level of safety. | |
El ensayo iraní no significa un PELIGRO inmediato para Israel. | ||
Inherits From: Gradable_attributes
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on: Risk_scenario
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also: Run_risk
amenaza.n, arriesgado.a, inseguro.a, peligro.n, peligroso.a, seguro.a
Created by rleegold on Wed Jul 19 14:46:33 CEST 2006