

A particular Situation is likely (or unlikely) to result in a harmful event befalling an Asset. The Situation may be a state, an activity, or some focal entity that must be inferred to be part of some larger Situation involving both it and the Asset. Although the idea of a harmful event is crucial to the understanding of this frame, it is not expressible as an argument of the LUs in this frame.

La actividad de esta empresa representa un PELIGRO para las poblaciones cercanas.

Es una propuesta ARRIESGADA para nuestra empresa.

Is climate change DANGEROUS for mankind?

Customers can make complaints about UNSAFE products.

The primary RISK is to our infrastructure.
See the Run_risk frame for discussion on differentiation regarding the noun risk.


Asset [Ass]
Something judged to be desirable or valuable which might be lost or damaged.
       El trafico de armamento nuclear puede representar un grave PELIGRO para la paz y la seguridad mundiales.
       Honey is not SAFE for babies.

Dangerous_entity [Dan]
This FE denotes an entity which is involved in an event that may lead to a harmful event for the Asset. The Dangerous_entity FE may metonimically stand for the event in which it is involved.
       China puede representar en el futuro un PELIGRO militar para Japón.

Situation [Sit]
The Situation which may lead to a harmful event.
       Trabajar en estas condiciones es un PELIGRO para nosotros.
       Most people agree, going over 100mph is UNSAFE.

Degree [deg]
A modifier expressing the deviation of the actual level of security from the expected value given the Situation and the state indicated by the target itself.
       Existe cierto PELIGRO en poner tanto material potencialmente lujurioso en los registros públicos.
       Rogue nations are our greatest THREAT.

Domain [dom]
The Domain in which the Situation is safe.
       All of our websites are educationally SAFE.

Explanation [Exp]
The Explanation denotes a proposition from which the state of security or insecurity of the Asset logically follows.
       Estas organizaciones criminales constituyen una AMENAZA para Estados Unidos por su capacidad para transportar grandes cantidades de heroína y cocaína.

Manner [Man]
Manner of performing the event.
       La mayoría de afectados prefiere asumir el RIESGO en silencio.

Place [pla]
A particular location for which the Situation is safe. Frequently, it is to be inferred that the characteristics of the location make various Situations safe or unsafe.
       Se produjo una AMENAZA en la calle Valencia.

Purpose [Pur]
Some of the words in this frame frequently occur with a constituent expressing the Purpose for which the risky_situation occurs.

Time [Tim]
The time period during which the Situation has the specified level of safety.
       El ensayo iraní no significa un PELIGRO inmediato para Israel.

Inherits From: Gradable_attributes
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on: Risk_scenario
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also: Run_risk

Lexical Units

amenaza.n, arriesgado.a, inseguro.a, peligro.n, peligroso.a, seguro.a

Created by rleegold on Wed Jul 19 14:46:33 CEST 2006