

A Protagonist is described as being exposed to a potentially dangerous situation that may end in a Bad_outcome for him- or herself. An Asset which is in danger of loss may stand in for the Bad_outcome. There is no implication that the Protagonist intentionally exposes themself to the risky situation. The Severity of risk involved may also be expressed.

There was a RISK of fire.

Original thinkers incur greater RISKS to their careers than their pedestrian colleagues.


Action [Act]
The Action that creats the risk.
       Implementing this program runs the RISK of offending our core constituents.

Asset [Asset]
Something desirable possessed by or directly associated with the Protagonist which might be lost or damaged.
       The RISK to his reputation was significant.

Bad_outcome [Bad]
A situation that the Protagonist would like to avoid.
       There was no DANGER of his returning.

Protagonist [Protagonist]
Semantic Type
The person who is at risk of some Bad_outcome

Degree [Deg]
A modifier expressing the deviation of the actual level of security from the expected value given the Action and the state indicated by the target itself.

Depictive [Dep]
This FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action. The depicted state does not necessarily or usually facilitate or cause the state of affairs reported by the target. In some cases, the Depictive describes the participant by characterizing a subpart.

Explanation [Exp]
The Explanation denotes a proposition from which the state of security or insecurity of the Asset logically follows.

Place [Place]
Semantic Type
The place where there is risk.
       There is always some DANGER to rich men in a bar like this.

Severity [Sev]
The probability of something bad happening to the Protagonist.
       If he is uncertain of right and wrong, he is in dire PERIL of losing his immortal soul.

Time [Time]
Semantic Type
The time when the risk pertains.
       Even after the end of Apartheit we still run the RISK of letting racism continue forever.

Inherits From: Likelihood
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on: Risk_scenario
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units


Created by josef on Tue Jul 16 14:23:39 CEST 2002