

An entity is a shaped Part of a larger Whole. The Part may correspond in form and function to a part of another entity. For instance, the leg of a table supports the weight of a table like the leg of an animal or person supports their weight. The Orientation of the Part relative to the Whole may be expressed.

I removed the BRIM of the hat

Bill likes to chew the waxy RIND of the cheese
Semantic Type
Transparent Noun



Part []
A shaped Part of a larger Whole.
       Sergey put his arm on the ARM of his armchair.

Whole []
A Whole which has a shaped Part.
       The LEG of the table came off when we moved it.
Orientation [Orientation]
This is a property of the shaped Part that situates the Part within the Whole.
       Abby broke the top HANDLE of the suitcase .

Part_Prop []
A property relating to the shaped Part of a Whole.
       Sue fixed the broken LEG of the table.

Inherits From: Part_whole
Is Inherited By: Observable_bodyparts
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by josef on Thu Feb 19 14:39:55 CET 2004