A firearm is discharged, causing the motion of a projectile. This frame exists primarily to relate frames. |
Agent [Agt] Semantic Type Sentient | The Agent is the person performing the intentional act causing the motion of the Projectile. | |
Projectile [Projectile] Semantic Type Physical_entity | The entity whose rapid, dangerous motion is caused by the Agent and/or Firearm. | |
Non-Core: | ||
Area [Area] | This frame element is used for expressions which describe a general area in which motion takes place when the motion is understood to be irregular or not to consist of a single, linear path. Locative setting adjuncts may also be assigned this frame element. Kim PUSHED the lawnmower around the garden. | |
Degree [Degr] Semantic Type Degree | Degree to which event occurs | |
Depictive [dep] | A description of the state of the Agent or Projectile during the event. | |
He SHOT three arrows at the target, all unsuspecting as to why Harold had done so well. | ||
Distance [Dist] | This FE is any expression characterizing the extent of motion of the Projectile. | |
Pat THREW the Javelin 50 meters. | ||
Firearm [Firearm] Semantic Type Physical_entity | The device used by the Agent to cause the motion of the Projectile. | |
Goal [Goal] Semantic Type Goal | This FE is the point at which the Theme ends up as a result of the motion. Kim THREW the cat into the garden. | |
Manner [Manr] Semantic Type Manner | Manner of performing an action | |
Means [Mns] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | An act of the Agent whereby the rapid motion of the Projectile is achieved. | |
Path [Path] | This FE is any description of a trajectory of motion which is neither a Source nor Goal. I PUSHED the trolley along the street. | |
Place [Place] Semantic Type Locative_relation | The location in which the shooting event takes place. | |
The bankrobbers were crazy enough to SHOOT at the clerks with an AK-47 inside the bank | ||
Purpose [pur] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The Agent's purpose in launching the Projectile | |
We mistook a satellite LAUNCHED to study earthquakes to be a missile, so we shot it down over the Pacific. | ||
Source [Src] Semantic Type Source | This FE is the starting point of motion. Pat dragged the box out of the cupboard. | |
Time [Time] Semantic Type Time | The Time when the shooting event takes place. | |
The robbers SHOT at the clerks as they ran out of the bank | ||
Inherits From: Attempt_distant_interaction_scenario
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Bearing_arms
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in: Shoot_projectiles, Use_firearm
Is Causative of:
See Also:
Created by infinity on Fri Mar 24 14:32:00 CET 2006