In this frame, an Agent places the Theme in the Medium for an extended period of time, with the intent that the Theme will be affected by and absorb some of the Medium. | |
La cocinera dejó los frijoles EN REMOJO durante toda la noche. | |
Agent [Age] Semantic Type Sentient | The Agent is the person performing the soaking. | |
María EMPAPÓ el pañuelo en saliva. | ||
Medium [Med] | Medium is the substance in which the Theme is submerged. | |
Bobby SOAKED the potatoes in water overnight. | ||
Los muchachos MOJARON pastas y galletas en la amarga bebida. | ||
Theme [The] Semantic Type Physical_object | The Theme is the entity that changes location. | |
Ellen SOAKED the beans in the water for 30 seconds . | ||
Una cuculí REMOJABA su pico en aguas heladas. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Container [Con] | This FE identifies the Container that holds the Theme which is submerged. | |
SOAK the potatoes in a medium-sized pan. | ||
La cocinera ponía la lechuga EN REMOJO en un vaso de plástico. | ||
Degree [Deg] | Degree to which event occurs. | |
Hay que REMOJAR un poco las hojas de maíz en agua tibia. | ||
Duration [Dur] Semantic Type Duration | The amount of time for which the Theme is soaked. | |
Usted REMOJE el frijol durante toda la noche. | ||
Frequency [Fre] | How often a motion event takes place. | |
Lo REMOJARON cada vez en uno de los líquidos comprados. | ||
Iteration [Ite] | The number of times that an action takes place. | |
Su madre tomaba a sorbitos un café, MOJANDO de vez en vez, un bizcocho. | ||
Manner [Man] Semantic Type Manner | The Manner in which the Agent soaks the Theme. | |
Los chaparrones REMOJARON abundantemente a los presentes. | ||
Place [Pla] Semantic Type Locative_relation | The Place where the submerging occurs. | |
Allí lo BAÑARON. | ||
Purpose [Pur] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The Purpose of the event. | |
REMOJE los chiles en agua caliente para ablandarlos. | ||
Result [Res] | This FE identifies the Result of the soaking event. | |
REMOJE los charales en agua caliente hasta que estén bien blandos. | ||
Time [Tim] Semantic Type Time | The Time when the Agent soaks the Theme. | |
REMOJE los charales en agua caliente hasta que estén blandos. | ||
Inherits From: Intentionally_affect
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
adobar.v, bañar.v, empapar.v, en_remojo.a, mojar.v, remojar.v
Created by acwright on Thu May 30 15:11:57 CEST 2002