

This frame contains verbs and nouns that communicate the act of a Speaker to address a Message to some Addressee using language. A number of the words can be used performatively, for example, declare or insist:

El diplomático SOSTIENE que el poder civil está subordinado al poder militar.

I now DECLARE you members of this Society.


Addressee [Add]
Semantic Type
This is the index (Addressee) person to whom the Message is communicated. When this FE is expressed, it often appears in a prepositional phrase introduced by to, or as a direct object.
       Evelyn told me about what happened.
       Evelyn spoke to me about what happened.

Message [Mes]
Semantic Type
This index (Message) is the FE that identifies the content of what the Speaker is communicating to the Addressee. It can be expressed as a clause or as a noun phrase.
       La Iglesia siempre HA SOSTENIDO que la virginidad de María es una verdad de fe.
       Evelyn SAID that she was not ready to leave.
       Evelyn REPORTED the whole incident.

Speaker [Spkr]
Semantic Type
This FE is the index (Speaker) person who produces the Message (whether spoken or written). It is normally expressed as the External Argument of predicative uses of the target word, or as the genitive modifier of the noun:
       Los científicos SOSTIENEN que los antibióticos agrícolas contribuyen a la mutación genética.
       Evelyn SPOKE feelingly about what happened.

Degree [Deg]
Degree to which event occurs.
       La acusada SOSTUVO en extremo que era inocente.

Internal Cause [ICause]
The index (Internal Cause) body movement may be prompted by either some outside phenomenon or occurrence, or by an Internal Cause, the Agent's mental or emotional state. Internal Cause is expressed in a PP Complement:
       Kim FROWNED in concentration.
       Kim THREWHER hands up in despair.

Manner [Man]
Semantic Type
Manner of performing an action.
       Luisa JURÓ desconsoladamente que ella no había cometido ningún delito.

Means [Mea]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Means by which a Speaker state.
       Con un gritó estremecedor JURÓ que era inocente.

Medium [Medium]
Medium is the index physical entity or channel used by the Speaker to transmit the question(s):
       Kim QUESTIONED me over the phone.

Purpose [Pur]
An action that the Speaker intends to accomplish by performing the action indicated by the target.
       Eva SOSTUVO que había dejado morir a su padre para que le rebajaran la condena.

Time [Tim]
Semantic Type
The FE Time denotes the time when the communication event takes place.
       MANIFESTÓ sus opiniones a la dirección por la mañana.

Topic [Top]
This index (Topic) is the subject matter to which the Message pertains. It is normally expressed as a PP Complement headed by about, but in some cases it can appear as a direct object:
       Evelyn SPOKE candidly about her past.
       The teacher DISCUSSED the recent campus incidents.

Inherits From: Communication
Is Inherited By: Reveal_secret
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By: Chatting, Judgment_communication
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

evocar.v, jurar.v, manifestar.v, proponer.v, sostener.v

Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:04 CET 2001