A Situation or Entity has an influence on a Cognizer. The influence may be general; or it may be manifested in the Cognizer's engaging in an Action as a consequence of the influence; or the Cognizer may be influenced in how they carry out a Behavior that they are engaged in already. The mediation of the Cognizer's psyche distinguishes this frame from the Objective_influence frame, where dependent events occur automatically given the appropriate kind of influencing force. In this frame, by contrast, a Cognizer may perceive an influence yet not respond to it in any way. | |
Un nuevo espíritu INSPIRA a los dirigentes israelíes y palestinos. | |
Alternatively, a Product may be specified whose production or design was influenced by the Cognizer's experience of the Situation or Entity. | |
¿Qué es lo que INSPIRÓ esta obra? | |
Action [Act] | An Action that the Cognizer decides to carry out as a consequence of the influence of a Situation or Entity. | |
El amor auténtico nos INSPIRA en nuestros esfuerzos de reconciliación. | ||
What factors INFLUENCED Nixon to issue the doctrine? | ||
Behavior [Beh] | A Behavior that the Cognizer is engaged in independently but whose execution is subsequently influenced by the Situation or Entity. | |
Attention will also be paid to St. Paul , what INFLUENCED him in his thinking and what he wrote in his letters about sex, sexuality, men and women | ||
Cognizer [Cog] Semantic Type Sentient | The person who is influenced by the Situation or Entity. | |
El rock INSPIRA a los artistas de hoy en día. | ||
. George Gilder would run with this idea later in writing the New Testament of supply-side economics that INFLUENCED Reagan. | ||
Entity [Ent] | A person or thing that has an influence on the Cognizer. | |
Algunas bases químicas INFLUYEN en que algunos humanos sean más violentos que otros. | ||
The painting INSPIRED me to take a risk and use the intense green for the sky. | ||
Situation [Sit] | A state of affairs--- which can be an event, state or conditions---that has an influence on the Cognizer. | |
El mal tiempo INFLUYÓ en que no se registrará la entrada que esperaban. | ||
The balmy temperatures INSPIRED me to write a poem on the advent of spring. | ||
La actitud pública de González INFLUYÓ en las instituciones de l Estado. | ||
Hecker said that although the sheer age of the building INSPIRED him to preserve its heritage aspects he also designed its interiors around the ·clean and fresh· mood of Queensland. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Degree [Deg] | This frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it. | |
Mondrian INFLUYÓ mucho en mejorar mis escasos recursos económicos. | ||
Duration [Dur] | ||
Manner [Man] | Manner of performing an action. | |
Las dotes del compositor IMPACTARON con fuerza en su tiempo. | ||
Means [] | ||
Place [Pla] | ||
Product [Pro] | An entity that stands metonymically for the actions and considerations that produced it. | |
La inmediatez de la radio IMPACTA a los oyentes con la barbarie de un asesinato como el de ayer. | ||
Does anyone know what INSPIRED this song? | ||
Purpose [Pur] | ||
Reason [Rea] | A state of affairs the Agent is responding to in performing the action indicated by the target. | |
Este álbum de música IMPACTARÁa muchos porque va dirigido a todo tipo de público. | ||
Time [Tim] | The FE Time refers when the event takes place. | |
Esa paradoja INSPIRA desde hace ya tiempo a muchos escritores. | ||
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Intentionally_act
Is Used By: Eventive_cognizer_affecting
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
impacto.n, impresionar.v, impresión.n, influenciar.v, influir.v, inspiración.n, inspirar.v
Created by josef on Thu Apr 22 14:45:52 CEST 2004