

A stretch of linguistic discourse or a Text that a Communicator produces has a Topic that it is about.

Chapter 5 DISCUSSES the issue of transsubstantiation.

Smither's essay is ABOUT plane spotting.

Ostrovsky ADDRESSES monetary policy in Chapter 5.

This book is mostly ABOUT particle physics.


Communicator [Communicator]
Semantic Type
The Communicator is the person who has produced a Text on a Topic.
       In his book, Smithers DISCUSSES cotton production.

Text [Text]
A set of propositions that is coherent in being about a Topic
       Sue bought a book ABOUT Pennsylvania

Topic [Topic]
The Topic is what a Text is about.

Degree [Degree]
Semantic Type
This Frame Element marks expressions that indicate to which Degree the Text is about the Topic
       The article is mostly ABOUT yoga techniques

Explanation []
The reason for which the Text or Communicator presents the Topic.

Manner [Manner]
Semantic Type
This FE marks expressions in which Manner the Topic is treated.
       The book carefully DISCUSSES the events leading up to the war

Status [Status]
The Frame Element Status is used for expressions that indicate the relative importance of a Topic with respect to the other topics that a Text is about.
       The book is mainly ABOUT 19th century sewage systems
        A peripheral TOPIC of Chapter 3 is Appalachian coal-mining.

Time []
The time at which the Communicator produces Text on a Topic.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By: Communication
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by josef on Tue Jul 09 17:22:34 CEST 2002