

Basic Image Schema: contains a (more) profiled element, the Trajector, and an un- or less profiled element, the Landmark. In combination with a schematically-defined Profiled_region (with a pre-defined relationship to the Landmark), the Landmark serves as the basis for understanding the status or location of the Trajector. This schema essentially establishes a point-of-view or focus. above.prep and below.prep both make use of the verticality schema, but are differentiated by whether the Landmark is associated with the upper region and the Profiled_region with the lower or vice-versa.

The cat IN the shed purred violently .

The shed AROUND the cat shook .

We 'll have to leave BEFORE noon .

In the 1990s , though , the rate at which DNA could be read revved INTO high gear .
Semantic Type
Non-Lexical Frame


Landmark [lm]
The entity, generally presupposed, whose status or location is known or knowable and which thus serves as a basis for understanding the status or location of the Trajector by locating it in a Profiled_region which has a particular relation to the Landmark.

Profiled_region [pro]
The region which has a particular shape, orientation, size, and location (literal or metaphorical) with respect to the Landmark. The shape of the Profiled_region is virtually always incorporated in the target. This shaped region usually includes the location of the Landmark, as seen with in.prep, at.prep, on.prep, but may also do exactly the opposite, as with away from.prep.

Trajector [tr]
The entity whose status or location is (generally) unknown, and whose status or location is established by examining the Profiled_region.

Inherits From: Relation
Is Inherited By: Containment_relation_IS, Locative_relation
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by klinton on Thu Jul 08 15:04:11 CEST 2004