

A Weapon is an artifact created specifically to cause harm or damage. In some cases, a Use, Material of construction, Part or Type may be more narrowly specified.

Did you, or did you not, fire this GUN with intent to harm my client?

Cyra tried to swing her SWORD to parry, but it was to heavy.

I investigated a specialist precious metal FIREARMS manufacturer.

My neighbor, a member of the NRA since birth, has got an AK-47 fully automatic assault RIFLE.

Let 's just say that he 's the kind of guy who likes GUNS with hair triggers.



Weapon [Wep]
Semantic Type
An entity prototypically used by a Wielder to cause damage.
       They used to shoot these long-range RIFLES with scopes and hit targets a mile away.
Creator [cre]
The individual or group responsible for the creation of the Weapon.
       Colt PISTOLS are, for some reason, considerably more likely to be missold in this fashion.

Descriptor [dep]
A description or characteristic of the Weapon.
       He prefers to use a heavy BOW for long-distance combat.

Material [Mat]
The substance that makes up the Weapon.

Name [nam]
The term used to refer to an Weapon.
       The SWORD Wirikidor was inadvertently cursed.

Part [Part]
This FE identifies a part of the Weapon. This includes permanent, obligatory parts and mere attachments.
       I bought a RIFLE with a 2000-yard scope.
       They practiced on SWORDS with wooden blades first.

Time_of_creation [tim]
The time at which a Weapon comes into existence.
       The fourth millennium BC SPEAR has stimulated a lot of controversy.

Type [Typ]
This FE indicates what subtype of the general category the Weapon belongs to.
       Most people don't keep bastard SWORDS in their livingrooms.

Use [Use]
The type of activity that the Weapon is generally involved in. Often this can be considered a kind of Type specification also.
       a dueling PISTOL
       anti-personnell MINES
       deer RIFLE

Wielder [Wld]
The person (or other sentient entity) that is using the Weapon.
       Reluctantly, he slid his GUNS back into their holsters.

Inherits From: Artifact
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By: Bearing_arms
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by infinity on Mon Nov 25 18:31:15 CET 2002